BB: Tuesday, Tuesday with One Star @ The County 5/14/2024

In the misty gloom of “Tuesday, Tuesday” 15 PAX managed to arrive on time at 5:30 for a pre-recorded monotone introduction and series of typical disclaimers. 2 missed the prelude and challenged my ability to execute a simple count-off, but they managed show up for the main event giving us 17 total for the workout.

We warmed up with SSHs and Bat Wings to lubricate our hearts and shoulders in preparation for the 39 minutes that constituted the meat and potatoes portion of the workout. During the warm-up my ability to maintain a consistent count and change vocal inflection was challenged. Everyone noticed, but nobody said anything.

We broke into groups of 3 and proceeded to complete 4 blocks of 3 exercises for 3 sets. 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds of mumble chatter/rest. 9 minutes per block with a 3 minute bonus round. We listened to music thumping from the Turtlebox while we worked. It was commercial free, which disappointed some of the PAX.

Block 1: Overhead Press, Apolo Ohno, LBCs

Block 2: Curls, Squat Jumps, Gas Pumps

Block 3: Merkins, Ballerina Lunges, Overhead March

Block 4: Rows, Step-ups, Mountain Climbers

Bonus Round: Sumo Squats, Burpees, Knalp (Backwards Plank).

We finished promptly at 6:15 and executed a flawless Count-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama in quick succession. Yes, I was equally as shocked as everyone else with our ability to make it all the way to 17 without error.

We then welcomed an FNG who relocated to the Louisville area from Idaho for his wife’s new job as CEO. He is a Trophy Husband who moonlights as a Civil Engineer. He used to answer to Jarod/Jared/Jerrod/Jarrod (sp) but now he answers to Boiled Peanuts. It was a close vote, but Fire Crotch seemed a bit harsh. After all, we do want him to come back.

Announcements were few, but Little Jerry is Q-ing this Saturday at the County for his rescheduled birthday Q, originally scheduled in April before the date for Convergence was declared.

We closed out with intentions for a friend of Giseles who was recently diagnosed with testicular cancer and whose father is also ill. We lifted up those two and their families in prayer and we closed out with an Our Father.

It was a good Tuesday, Tuesday.

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