BB- Bayside, 06/11/24

As the Tuesday site Q for Bayside, I have a habit of checking the calendar early in the day Monday and sending a text to the scheduled Q for the next day to make sure all is good. Having a monday of a Monday, I was very late to look at the calendar and to my dismay, the PAX named OPEN was on the calendar. A quick appeal on the Bayside channel yielded no volunteers, so time to step up and lead.

PAX – Banana Bread, Birdie, Borland, Cattle Chips, Friendly Fire, Jabber Jaws, Little Foot, Mothball, Texas Twinkie, Uncle Louis and YHC.

Disclaimer and acknowledgment of not having a strong planned weinke. Mosey to pick up the last arrival of the gloom and the proceed to COP. Normal courtyard stretches with a mix of GG, DD, HW and Abe’s. Taking advantage of the walls in the courtyard, we added 10 step ups for each leg, 15 incline Merkins, 15 Dips, and 10 decline Merkins.

We then moseyed towards the back of school and took a right into the baseball complex. Looped back to pick up the 6. With the inspiration of UK Baseball making the CWS, I shared Coach Mingione’s testimonial message and encouraged the PAX to find it on social media. We then completed 25 BB’s. The gate to the field was open , so we took a trip thru the bleachers and then onto the field at the 1st base side, followed the gravel path around the side of the field onto the warning track, then exiting at the 3rd base dugout. Again, a loop back to pick up the 6. We gathered again and did 20 BB’s. A shorter mosey brought us back to the hill. We bernied up the hill and gathered again for 15 BB’s. At this point I was threatened with “revenge burpees” on another Q, but I digress. From there, we took shorter mosey’s and completed the countdown for BB’s at 10 and 5. Heading back toward the startex, we changed to merkins and started the count at 25, 20 , 15, 10 and 5. We mixed in some squats and bernies on the moves until we were almost back. We returned to the courtyard and repeated our step ups, inclines and declines. A short mosey got us back to the flag with a couple minutes to finish w 5 nuclears.

Announcements, Intentions and Prayers


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