PB: Steve-O/Beans Co-Q @ Pleasantville – 6/28/24

I’m Coming Out to Co-Q with Beans @ Pleasantville tomorrow; not to be confused with the nearby Y-M-C-A. Be sure to give your M a Careless Whisper before hitting the hay tonight. Don’t have a Cold Heart and be a Macho Man because you are Playing With The Boys in the gloom tomorrow. Weather forecast: It’s Raining Men. Set your alarms to Wake Me Up Before You Go Go. After this Beat (It) down, don’t forget about Drift Bar with M’s tomorrow evening because Girls Just Want To Have Fun.

Bring a Partner (FNG/HIM) to share the load. You are Under Pressure to HC.

Leave coupons at home. There will be a moderate mix of running and strength training.

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