BB – Bayside, The Max, 5/14/24

13 HIMs (Beach Body, Birdie (Firing Pin and Slugger 2.0’s), Borland, Eye Booger, Fesco, Hightower, Little Foot, Shuttlecock (1st post since AUG due to shoulder surgery – YEAH!!), Texas Twinkie, Tight Lips, and Uncle Louis) joined YHC for math class on the splendid outdoor class room of Martha Layne Collins HS.

As we gathered and welcomed back Shuttlecock (one of the OG founders of Bayside), YHC told the Pax to put their coupons on the 20 yard line of our marked lot. After the disclaimer, we took a short mosey loop to the courtyard for COP. Traditional stuff with stretches, SSH, HBW, AV, GG, and DD all completed. Mosey back to our coupons on the 20.

The Charolais 600 . 6 exercises @ 20 reps and 5 rounds. 6 * 20 * 5 = 600. Between each round, AYG from our starting 20 to the opposite 20, then mosey back. 60 * 2 * 5 = 600. Exercises: Merkins, Curls, OH Press, Tricep Ext, BO Rows, and Frt Raises. We completed the 5 rounds and still had some time and a little juice left to squeeze. A quick 10 rep rapid blast w no rest between the 6 exercises had most feeling the burn. Walked our coupons back to the top of the lot and did a cool down mosey lap around the lot. Still had time for 2 marys – big boys and flutter kicks. Time called.

My message for the gloom is how the little things add up. Doing 20 reps soon added up to 600. Do the little things that add up at home, work, community. F3 has allowed me to do the little things that have now added up to 600 posts. Before finding a group like this, I had NEVER stayed consistent to getting better. Thankful for the group and the support.


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