Backblast Tyler Park Black Ops 5/15/24

Been a minute since I have done one of these, lets see how this goes.

Was excited to be asked to Q at Tyler Park and love seeing what it is becoming. Spent a lot of time in the Highlands as a kid and occasionally that would take me to Tyler Park. It’s an amazing Spot to Post and I encourage everyone to check it out. Well done @Brisket

PAX- Showboat (R); Smithers(R); Zillow (R); El Mule (R); Quattro; Flo Jo; Masse, Brisket, Jitterbug (QIC)

COP, Quick mosey Lap around the Circle and then SSH, Toy Soldiers, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Mountain Climbers

Thang 1- To get us further warmed up the Group Completed a “Seven” With Merkins and Squats. 6 Merkins, Run from Tunnel to the Park Entrance, 1 Squat and Run Back; Then 5-2, 4-3, etc.

Main Thang- Had a 2 sided Converted Yard Waste Bag Board of Pain that I keep in my back pocket, that hasn’t been out for awhile. Each Side has 4 Coupon Exercises and the PAX were directed to perform 15 of each movement and then take a Lap around the Circle, rinse and repeat. We did each side for 10 Minutes. Side One- 15 each Curls, Overhead Press, Bent Over Rows, Coupon Squats……. Side 2- 15 each Coupon Hopovers, Big Boy Sit-ups, Coupon Chest Press, Cross Over Merkins

I was pretty smoked but we did have 2 minutes left for Mary

COT- COR, NOR, Intentions

COT can go a lot of different ways; and if you are like me is as much of the reason F3 is such a big part of my Life. If I am being honest F3 is the closest thing I have to a regular church right now and I’m not sure what I would do without it . I love to see what my Brothers who Q bring to COT, each is unique, and I can truly say I have never left a workout not feeling better mentally and physically than when I got there.

I tried to emphasize the importance of accepting that Power that is Greater than you, whatever that looks like; be grateful for the gift of this group, and getting yourself right so that you can have an impact on those around you.

In short, the message is “we’re F3, lets act like it” Love you Men!

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