Backblast – The Fog @ Posh – 5.17.2024 – Captain Crunchberry

The Fog was laying down thick on this Saturday morning. It was a wonderful site to see.  I ended up as the Q through a random effort to retrieve some jump ropes I had let Jewel borrow.  Using a Pony Express style return process, Wax On decided I needed to meet Tinke at Posh on Saturday morning to make the exchange. I think it worked out for everyone.

The morning started with a pre-run that McStuffin, Wax On, and Tinkle joined.

Joining me for the official workout was Mom Suit, Lady Bird (and Emma), Brown Water, Diane Dukes, Tinkle, Wax On, and PK.

We started with some of the usuals – SSH, Toy Soldiers, Kendra Newmans, Ab Vigodas, and Michael Phelps.

Then we moved on to the Main Thang.

I had a weinke board consisting of 3 different exercises for three different muscle groups. PAX 1 would perform AMRAP of one of the exercises while PAX 2 ran a lap around the parking lot.

Exercises consisted of:

ARMS – Merkins, Dips, and Overhead Press/Clap.

ABS – LBC, Gas Pumps, and V-Ups

LEGS – Squats, Lunges, and Calf Raises

Once all PAX had cycled through, we put those jump ropes to good use. We did about 30 second cycles of single jump, jumping side to side, jumping forward and backward, running man, double jump, and maybe one other that I can’t remember. Those jump ropes are sneaky. As Diane Duke and I realized we tend to hold our breath while doing it. Bad idea. But man you get winded fast.

After the jump ropes, we did a mosey recovery lap around the parking lot, then did some ab work, one last mosey around the lot, and then finished with some stretching.

COT, Announcements, and Intentions.

Naked Man Moleskin: I really don’t travel often enough. I get complacent/content with things. Today I felt a little like Le Pew. It was likely my 3rd or 4th first time meeting Mom Suit.  This complacency is also why it had been forever since I have posted to many boot camp workouts or been the Q. I need to do better. Summer is coming, travel will be easier, so as a special treat to site Q’s who have read this far, ask me to Q. If I don’t have a valid reason to say no, I’ll do it.

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