Back blast 3/17 @ the Mutt. The Black Ops Pre-hurt hurt

My oldest 2.0 had an early morning soccer tournament so I was going to miss the HURT.   A few messages on Slack and I knew at least Grinder and SumpPump would meet me for an earlier workout.  I got a pre blast out before the Fish Fry and would attempt to recruit some others to join as well, offering them a free double down workout as they could stay for the Buuuussssccch and Vincent Q at 7am.  My recruiting efforts failed me last night, however Pope decided to run up  to the Mutt (he said the ~1.5 mile run to the Mutt was a warm up) and Spinal Tap and Vincent would show as well.  6 HIMs where ready for the pre-hurt hurt.

Without Sump Pump knowing what I was doing, I had him help me get some ideas for the Q and is the reason for the 11 theme. I also searched around on the F3 website to bring in a few new exercises to keep it interesting.  For those working on a Q, the F3 website is super easy to navigate if you need some ideas. I hope the HIMs enjoyed it!


Started with a mosey behind the school and circled up under the portico.

COP – all in cadence

Curly Stretch

grass grabbers x11

Abe Vigoda x11

Monkey Jumper x11.


Thing 1 = Burpee mile.   Jog the lap down Leland, St. Matthews Ave, and Elmwood.  At each of the 12 light posts, complete 3 burpees.  The PAX would stay together.  I think Pope finished all 3 of his burpees before I got through 1.  What a HIM!

Thing 2 = 11s with merkins and plank jacks.  Start with 10 merkins, run from the portico to the other side of the parking lot, then 1 plank jack.  Repeat until you are at 1 merkin and 10 plank jacks.

Thing 3 – Mary.

All in cadence  x11

Flutter Kicks


Little baby flutter crunch (LBFC)

Gas pumps

Freddie Mercury


Rosalita (Note Spinal Tap prefers Rosalita over Dolly)

James Bond.  Since this was new we did it a few times.   Two reps of a 5 count in each position, then a third rep with a 10 count in each position.

Alphabet – big letters

Thing 4 – Merkin time bomb.  I was not sure how long this would take so we started at 5.   We finished and had time left so we did it again starting at 5.

We circled up, intentions, prayers, and on our way to a great day.  I noticed a few PAX stayed around for the Buuuuuuussssscccchhhhh and Vincent tag team Q.  What a great group of HIMs we have!

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