Back Blast the County 8/11

9 Beast showed up to crush the Boozer Q. Jolly Rancher, Meter Maid, Woody 2.0, Blart, Cowboy, Wildflower, Battier 2.0, Viking, and Boozer. We started with some Battier warm ups. Side Straddle Hops and arm circles, and grass grabbers. Then we talked about this being a you vs you hour.

There were 6 stations. Each station was set up to start with 20 reps and go down 5 each time. Four rounds.

Station 1-Burpees

Station 2-LBC

Station 3-Merkins

Station 4-Dips

Station 5-Big Boy Sit-ups

Station 6-Pull Ups

Quick run around the church to start the next round.

Battier and Woody had a race to see which 2.0 could lap us. They did manage to lap some of us, but only because we let them. Meter Maid was a machine, getting better each time I see him. We all completed one more round and then ball of men and dismissal. Thanks to everyone who came out.


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