BB @the Mist VAO BO Retainer Q

4 Gorillas played in the mist at the first virtual AO (VAO).  FrankenBaby posted from the O (because I wanted to steal a coupon and I need to see something besides my house), Viking and Potter joined from their garages, and Retainer joined via phone.



Suggestions for future post at the Mist:

  • Put phone in DND (Do not Disturb)
  • Use a Bluetooth Headset with mic
  • Only the Q counts both the cadence and the count
  • The URL for future @the Mist ( )

The Mist is looking for Qs for each day next week please let FrankenBaby know if you want to Q.

Retainer prepared a intense workout that was modified to reduce the 2x one mile runs to a few minutes of mossy to warm up (My knees are very grateful for that modifications).

I am so grateful for all of you and F3, these workouts have improved my fitness and general happiness so much!

Warm Up (10 minutes)
1. Five minute mosey to warm up
2. 25 SSH’s
3. 10 Merkins
4. 25 Toy Soldiers
5. 10 Merkins
6. 25 Imperial Walkers
7. 10 Merkins
8. 25 Grass Grabbers
9. 10 Merkins
10. 25 Hillbilly Squats
11. 10 Merkins
12. Plank 10 seconds
13. Downward Dog 10 seconds
14. Plank 10 seconds
15. Downward Dog 10 seconds
16. Plank 10 seconds
17. Cobra 10 seconds
18. Plank 10 seconds
19. Cobra 10 seconds
20. Plank 10 seconds
21. Cobra 10 seconds
Thang One (10 minutes): Run one mile in 10 minutes or less
Thang Two (10 minutes): Retainer’s 5 Burpee Circuit
Grab a weight, then do this circuit:
1. 5 burpees, 10 overhead presses, repeat 3 times
2. 5 burpees, 10 curls, repeat 3 times
3. 5 burpees , 10 skull crushers, repeat 3 times
4. 5 burpees, 10 overhead presses, repeat 3 times
5. 5 burpees, 10 curls, repeat 3 times
6. 5 burpees , 10 skull crushers, repeat 3 times
Thang Three (10 minutes): Run one mile in 10 minutes or less
Thang 4 (10 minutes): Retainer’s Mary circuit
1. 20 Big Boys in one minute; 25 Flutterkicks in second minute; repeat 5x
Thang 5 (5 minutes): Mary Webb
1. 1 V-up, 4 LBC’s, 2 V-ups, 8 LBC’s, in ascending order until you get to 10 V-ups, 40 LBC’s.

Photos from the Mist:

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