Backblast – Loco @ The County – McStuffins VQ 9/19/2023

I apologize for the lack of a pre blast. I am still getting the hang of F3 and slowly figuring things out.

It was my VQ and started off with a pre-workout run at 5:00 am with PCI, Kitty Litter, Davito and I getting a few miles in. I did the run to get some pre-Q jitters out which only helped a little.

There were 21 that showed up this morning. Captain took attendance during name-o-rama but I forgot to get it from him before writing this. I will try to record attendance elsewhere. I wasn’t anticipating a big group but it was great to have everyone out there for support.

I only stumbled over my words a few times as we kicked things off with a warm up and some stretching.

We did a Tabata style work-out with three separate Tabata workouts split up with some sprints in-between. Each Tabata workout had 4 exercises and we repeated each cycle 3 times. We did each exercise for 30 seconds with a 15 second break in-between.

Tabata 1 – Abs

  1. Flutter Kicks, 2. Big Boy Sit Ups, 3. Box Cutters, 4. Burpees

Sprints – we set up cones and did a 100 meter sprint followed by a 100 meter jog and turned around and did it again before running back to our Tabata station

Tabata 2 – Arms

  1. Merkins, 2. Curls (with coupon), 3. Skull Crushers (with coupon) 4. Shoulder Press (with coupon)

Another round of sprints

Tabata 3 – Legs

  1. Squats (with coupon), 2. Lunges, 3. Calf Raises (with Coupon), 4. Jump Squats

We finished the last workout right on schedule and finished off with the Circle of Trust.

I started coming out to F3 after a couple of invites from my neighbor, Captain Crunchberry. He convinced me that coming to the workouts would help me better acclimate to the Eastern Time Zone after moving from Arizona (he was right). Pelican Q’d my first day and I have been hooked ever since. I have attended a few more run work-outs than boot camps but I have loved joining the brotherhood of F3. It is a great group of guys and I feel lucky to have a place to better myself every morning.

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