BB – Furdays @ Boondocks – 5.14.24

What up HIMS!

If you weren’t in the Gloom this morning I feel sorry for you. Perfect temps, a little light misting of rain, and awesome mumblechatter was in sure order.

Thankful for the opportunity to lead & just overly grateful for 2+ years with F3 Louisville.

Here’s a quick recap of what went down at Boondocks:



Keep it Simple Stupid:

1 minute AMRAP Merkins
1 minute AMRAP Big Boys
1 minute AMRAP Squats

3 corner run of baseball field:
Corner 1 – 25 Merkins
Corner 2 – 25 Big Boys
Corner 3 – 25 Squats

x4 rounds

Threw some dips in for merkins at some point when the shoulders/chest had no more to give.

Finished back at startex for some Mary.

Great work by all HIMS in attendance.

Special shoutout to Sarah Palin – we’re better when you’re in the gloom buddy, keep showing up.

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