PB – NattyLite – Silos @ North Posh – 6/24/24

Catfish has been running the ring of fire despite cautions of swamp monsters and rolled ankles. I unfortunately missed the most recent running of the ring of fire so I am going to run a slightly different version – inspired by Catfish’s ring of fire and an adventure lead by Viking previously. Join me onContinueContinue reading “PB – NattyLite – Silos @ North Posh – 6/24/24”

BB- NattyLite – Baptizer at The Garden – 6/7/24

Apparently WordPress doesn’t like my world famous visuals of workouts. COP Thang 1 Baptizer Jack Webb- Bear Crawl : Merkin :: 4:1 Thang 2 4 Corners on the top lot – Big Boys, Burpees, Jump Squats, Krakkens Lap 1 – 15 reps, Lap 2 – 10 Reps, Lap 3 – 5 Reps, Lap 4 -ContinueContinue reading “BB- NattyLite – Baptizer at The Garden – 6/7/24”

PB – NattyLite – Baptizer at The Garden – 6.7.24

I am at the helm tomorrow. Tried to come up with a themed workout – alas, I didn’t think the Goons of The Garden would’ve been satisfied with the difficulty. So we will go with an old fashioned Garden beatdown. Come get some! Wax On is bringing gifts for those brave enough to face theContinueContinue reading “PB – NattyLite – Baptizer at The Garden – 6.7.24”

PB- NattyLite – Silos @ North Posh – 1/1/24

I get it – tomorrow you (and likely I) will be a little green behind the gills. Don’t let that stop you from putting two feet on the ground and heading out to the northernmost Posh.  Tomorrow will be you vs you, focus on form, and you can set your own pace. Corporate may be making anContinueContinue reading “PB- NattyLite – Silos @ North Posh – 1/1/24”