6.4.24 Back Blast: The Hawk’s Nest

Out of the darkness and into The Gloom! Reason number 62 why I love our group: 0525 is no indication of the PAX that will be in attendance that decided to smash the alarm clock, lace up their shoes and come out to get better! The real magic happens at 0529 and 30 seconds when there’s as steady flow of headlights pulling into the lot. At first as I pull into the lot (at 0525) it was just me and Vincent. YHC was thinking “yeah, numbers may be light but even if it’s just me and Vincent, it’ll be a good time.” I go to set up the cones and draw chalk on the lot when slowly, one by one dudes start rolling in. Ultimately, here’s who showed up to see what your Bird had under his wing.

The PAX: Vincent (R), Spalding, Outlook, Jinxy, Chowder, Spalding, Jersey Mike & BigBird

Started out with some stretching and getting loosing with some COP. Whilst in Downward Dog position we would go around the circle and announce, one by one, what our F3 name is, how long we’ve been coming out and who it was that brought us out. Reason #4 why I love F3: making new friends! We then moseyed around the church to get the heart pumping. Circled back up at The Tailgater for…

Thang 1: Surfin Bird by the Trashmen. Whilst the song is played, 33 seconds of Burpees, 33 seconds of mountain climbers, 33 seconds of Mac Tar Jai’s (sp) finished up with 33 seconds of plank jacks.

Recover with a couple of 10 counts in preparation for…

The Next Thang: partner up for some Dora. Exercises would be 100 Merkins, 150 squats and 200 LBCs. Partner 1 does the work while partner 2 moseys out and back about 70 yards. Partner 2 tags partner one, picking up where they left off until our work was done. Playlist was intentional and Outlook made a comment that he was first concerned that the whole playlist would be similar to The Trashmen song. He was pleasantly surprised. Recover and get us setup for…

The Final Thang: 4 corners. Corner 1: jump squats, Bernie to corner 2: Kettle Bell Swings, Bear Crawl to corner 3: Jump Lunges, Mosey to corner 4: Man Makers and finally Crawl Bear to the startex. It would be 5 reps for the first rotation, then 10 and then 15. Reason # 32 why I love F3: The brotherhood and fellowship of chatting it up and putting in work with your boys. 0613 and we had just enough time for some Mary.

Circled up for COR, NOR and COT: prayed for Vincent’s mother-in-law and for Spalding’s son. Prayed harder for our boy School Zone whose M was set to deliver their baby girl (which as I write this, she has successfully powered through her second UNMEDICATED natural delivery!) Welcome Annabelle Ray! Also, we prayed hard for comfort to him and his family as his mother is wrapping up her journey through life.

Love you guys and am honored to have been in your presence on this fine morning of togetherness!

Until Next Time…


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