2.4.18 BlackOp BackBlast: This is us, deal with it. Or don’t.

It’s becoming cliche but this group of HIMs continue to impress. Not a week, or day, goes by without someone doing something extraordinary. I could go on but in the spirit of the worlds largest day of network television I will just say this, This is Us. This has become our new norm. This is what we do day in and day out and we are just getting started. So join in or don’t. So get better or don’t. Whatever it is we have we have embraced it and will continue to grow it and all are welcome to share at this table.

The last 24 hrs shows the power of this group. A few want a Sunday beatdown and 10 PAX show up for one another. Here is how today shook out.

PAX: Abacus, LittleJerry (R), DoubleDown (R), Vincent (R), Plié (FNG), Kilo, Digiorno, Grinder, BeanCounter & Zartan (Q)

Conditions: Low 30’s with snowy mix coming down. Ground cover was snow and slush and wind was minimal.

Zoottire: YHC had Ball cap, F3 HooRag, Patagonia base layer, UK Blue F3 Louisville shirt, Mountain Gear shell jacket, Thermal Mechanix gloves, Black Nike Pro Tights, Gray LuLu Shorts, Blue no see em smart wool socks and Salomon Kicks. Jacket got shelled.



15 Copperhead Squats IC

15 IW IC

10 Merkins IC

5 Boy-os

Kendra Newman’s

10 Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey are the grounds about .2 miles to see what we can see. Satellite images gave YHC an idea but needed to get eyes one for Thang 2. Returned to start for Thang 1

Before I jump in quick side bar. Last night I went to the Mutt to grab 6 coupons thinking that would be plenty since I only had like 4 HCs. While doing so in tac hat, hoorag pulled up over nose and black gloves 30+ SadClowns with 2.0s cane pouring out of the MPB as I was farmer carrying coupons to my car. Their grips on their little ones got tighter as they watched what looked like a cinder block heist taking place. Just a day in the life for YHC but in hind sight I missed a great HL,n opportunity. Back to blast.

Thang 1 was modified because 10 HIMs showed up and I was happy to accommodate.

Parking lot was 50 Yrs across with about 10-15 yard snow covered incline at the end. We did the following.

P1 Incline Merkins P2 Hard Run bearcrawl incline run back. Switch and repeat

P1 Rows P2 Hard Run bearcrawl incline run back. Switch and repeat

P1 Curls P2 Hard Run Lunge walk incline run back. Switch and repeat

P1 Overhead Press P2 Hard Run Lunge walk incline run back. Switch and repeat

P1 Rockies P2 AYG up and back

Passed on asking for 10 count from LittleJerry as he shared with the group that counting was not his thing.

Thang 2 We mosey up the steps and stopped at curb for 60 seconds of rapid step ups on curb. Continued around building for 60 seconds of balls to the wall to the PAX dismay. Lots of Father Time comments during this one. Continued our journey and stopped along another wall for 60 second wall sits. Finished back at the start of Thing 1. And guess what. We just did Thang 1 again. Misfire on Qs part so we did 4 of the 5 rounds.

Moseyed back up stairs for 60 seconds step ups again and then finished off with a LBC Rosalita (or Freddie Mercury for DoubleDown) Jack Webb. Made it to 10:40 and that was time.

Ran to flag for COR, NOR and welcomed FNG Plié. One of my oldest buddies and has already HC’d for whatever comes next. Shout out to Sky Q for all that we a have, for this group and for the strength to continue to get better.

I hate to cuss on Sunday but damn I love this group.


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