Backblast (3/16) Norton Commons Black Ops

Pax (10): Grinder(Q), Airplane, Wham, Noxeema Jackson, Zartan, OJ, Old Bay, Steerage, Glen Ross, Wahoo

The 10 HIMs that showed up this morning were all happy to see that YHC had not been detained for his previous day’s follies at NC Elementary.  As we moseyed up to the soccer field to warm up, it became apparent that we were not under surveillance and felt safe to proceed.  A few Grass Grabbers, Abe Vigoda’s, Imperial Walkers, SSHs, Moroccan Nightclubs, DiGiornos, hamstring stretches, and Monday Mornings got us ready to roll.  We headed to the front of the the school and did a Merkin circuit: 5 close-hand Merkins, run to first cone, 5 wide-arm Merkins, bear crawl to next cone, 10 Merkins, run to last cone.  Repeated 5 times, lowering reps each set.  Next, we partnered up for a total of 100 Gas Pumps, 200 Squats, and 300 LBCs per pair, alternating exercises with one partner while the other ran the length of the school and back.  After that, the PAX made it known that we hadn’t done enough shoulder work, so we moseyed back to our warm-up spot for some Jack Webb.  I introduced them to the Split Dog Crunch, and we did one with each leg, then four Plank Jacks and built up to ten each leg and forty, respectively.  Circled up for announcements, intentions, and prayers, then headed out to crush our day.  Before leaving, Zartan, Old Bay, Steerage and I discussed the Q-juice, which is real, and, at least in my case, has lasted all day long.  Thanks to all of you for showing up this and every morning.  I don’t know about you, but it’s the best part of my day.

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