@F3theMutt BackBlast- Let’s count…7 inches, 800 threads, Creepy Fiiiiiiiives, and 10 HIMs 3/21/18

We should all knock with our elbows more often. More on that later.

My M was in Chicago Tuesday morning, and I was fortunately able to suppress my F3 brain and Thus skip the Rooster. 🤨 But that made me “hangry”. That’s probably not the right word. I’ll check with the F3 lexicon later… Let’s just say I was “Fangry”. You know– that feeling when you need a release… and a laugh…And only a F3 beat down will do.

Good news. I was down for the Q at the blender. Even better news… Zartan had been rucking around town pre-post every day this week. Would he do 3 in a row? Does Pope wear sleeves🙄? Yeah. He was down. So was Glenn Ross. What a great start to my day. Rucking (my 2rd ever) with 2 F3 – and real life all- stars. Read Zartan’s B.B. So fun. Here I am entering the gloom.

Ruck complete. Let the Beat down commence. 9 other HIM’s showed up in the 7 inches of snow to join YHQ. Warmed the heart. But wasn’t real warm. Know how I know? Pope was putting a sweatshirt on over his TT. Things that shouldn’t happen are happening. Let’s keep it going.


OLD BAY – Rucked to and fro the AO





SCRATCH – love O’s

NUGGET – HC Tuesday worked✅ -O


POPE – sleeves😬 O?🤔

Gearlander- wool socks, new saucony’s, 9 inch cobalt blue running shorts, tights, Patagonia thick base layer with hood and long zipper, CI free gloves, yellow partridge member guest rain jacket. Springy. 4 towels. 😉

Disclaimer and slosh around the school to the portico.


SSH 0 Zero. My specialty.

Line up facing each other

Plank/ downward dog. Stretch calves/Achilles/eyes

4x4x10 Merkin/mountain climber/shoulder taps

A-Rods – creepy Fiiiiiiiive count – Low plank. Right hip to ground..1…center..2….left hip to ground..3…center..4..pickle pounder Fiiiiiiiiiive. Sorry OB. Eye contact was tough. I know.

Standing mountain climbers IC (Goofballs)


Mosey to coupons. Halt.

New exercise at Le Mutt.

Thang 1

Cliffhanger Merkins – pax 1 scrapes snow from ledge. Pax 2 holds their legs. Shoot for 20. Pope did 30. Switch. Rinse and repeato twice. 25 reps achieved by most. All got better. Grab 5 coupons.

Throw them on the ground. Line up facing the portico.

Thang 2

Burpee beep bop backup.

Do a burpee. Broad jump backwards. Rinse and repeato until you get across the parking lot. Don’t look behind you. You’re not even close….and your hands are freezing…and wet…and your socks are wet. And I’m sorry. Bad Q. But you’re better. Run up back up at 50% , 75%, AYG. ie sledding.

Thang 3

Go find the coupons… And find a new partner… And look them in the eyeballs… Of course, I locked eyes with Zartan. It was going to be Either him or Glenn. The ruck bonding with those 2 was strong. And Old Bay was seen hiding behind snowman after putting up with my creepy fiiiiiiiives earlier. Ok. Fine.

Catch me if you can. Pax 1 does 20 curls. Pax 2 Bernie’s the long way towards cherrywood. Pax 1 catches (if they can) and they finish together and sprint back to coupons. Pax 2 was hard to catch. Too many curls. Or pax too fast. Probably that. Rinse and repeato. Next up. Pax 1 does 20 squats. Pax 2 Bernie’s with a coupon. Caught Em this time. Pax 1 takes the coupon and finishes together. Swap. Coupon work done.

Ace and Mary

My goal is to share Ace and Gary’s with the world…or maybe just the Mutt pax. Does the Carpenter have picnic tables? We had 6 cherries to pop today. Partner up. No need to look in their eyes. You’re looking….err….elsewhere. See below.

Do the Ace’s above, and then the Jack Dawson’s (Titanic). The pax not doing Ace and Gary work did Bropees. Keep moving to the next station until time is called.

Side note. Other Q’s today were a little jelly that the Mutt showed out. 10 Strong.! Other site Q’s questioned the toughness of 10 dudes working their ass off in 7 inches of snow and slush and cold. Huh? So yeah. There were four 800 thread count towels available for each picnic table. These tables are metal. I had already put the pax through a lot of snow and slush and wet. And weirdness. I was humbled to have 10 PAX in the snowy gloom. I takes care of mine. You come to a ZooQ, and I got you. I’m here for ya. Side side note. Pax also wore gloves, toboggans, jackets, and other stuff. Common sensical stuff. Like 800 thread count towels.

Time called.



Naked Moleskin

I received an email last night from a friend who moved to Dallas from Holy Trinity last year. He lost a childhood friend recently in Iraq. Many PAX received this e-mail. I read the tribute to Tripp, who lost his life serving our Country. What a man. Tripp spent his shortened life on this earth serving not only his country, but also serving those around him. Stories of his service to others led to Tripp being known as “the elbow knocker.” He always knocked on other’s doors with his elbows because his hands were either literally, or figuratively full of what his friends and strangers needed. I closed BOM reminding all the pax to knock with their elbows more often. Find more ways to serve others. Do more. Tripp and the pax really inspired me today. He was a HIM who would’ve fit in right here @f3louisville. I’m looking out at the f3mutt American flag as I close this B.B. out. Smiling.

Thanks for reading


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