Backblast – Norton Commons – 5/4/18

6 Pax  – Boozer, Nugget, PK, Gillespie, Swifty, Grinder (Q)

First off, much respect to PK and Nugget.  These HIMs have posted 5 days this week, all at different AOs and tomorrow will make their 6th.  They are calling it an ‘F3 Flight’, and I’m sure others will follow suit to achieve the same.

No FNGs today, but made disclaimers, then moseyed up to the soccer field for a warm up:

20 SSHs, 20 Imperial Walkers, Downward Dog, Runner’s stretch, 20 Grass Grabbers, Monday Morning, Morrocan Nightclubs, and DiGiornos

We then took a long mosey, alternating between bear crawls, inch worm, prisoner run, and plain old regular running along the way.

We finished our mosey at the amphitheater stage, and stealing a page from Spreadsheet’s playbook, we did BLIMPs…with a catch.  We did a box jump to get from level to level of the amphitheater and then did the different exercises on each level (Burpies Level 1, Lunges Level 2, etc.), starting with 20 of each.  After reaching the top, we moseyed back down to the stage and repeated with 15 reps, then again, with 10 reps, and finished up with 5 reps, for a total of 50 of each exercise.  Since we were on a stairway and doing BLIMPS, we kept Zeppelin blaring in the background for the whole routine.

YHC was completely gassed after the routine, but I found a little left in the tank to do some MARY; 45 seconds AMRAP with 20 seconds rest in between of the following: Elbow Plank, LBCs, Flutter Kicks, Gas Pumps, American Hammers, Rosalitas, Da Vincis, and everyone’s favorites, LB Flutter Kicks.

Boozer had to jet at 6:10, so when we finished the last set, the remaining 5 of us circled up for announcements and intentions.  As we stood with our arms around each other, a largish bug crawled between our feet and joined the COT.  I think he just wanted to get better too…or maybe bite PK, which is what it looked like he was going for before we broke up to head home.

Again, I was so humbled by the HIMs that joined me this morning and and thankful to have had the opportunity to spend my morning with them.  I can’t think of any better way to start the day.



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