Big Four Bridge Backblast 5/4

Five PAX dreamed of climbing up the waterfront ferris wheel and doing pullups at the top: Gru, Iceman (R), Data, FNG (Click Clack) & Mr. Hat (Q).

A few years ago before F3 was a thing and when the M had a photography side hustle, I accompanied her on the Big Four Bridge one Saturday morning when she took pictures. I stretched and ran a little, and it’s a beautiful bridge, especially with the view of skyline. I’ve been wanting to Q the PAX for a while at this AO and am grateful four others joined me this morning ITG.


Run up to the circle for the COP

10 grass grabbers IC

20 IWs IC

30 MCs IC

40 SSHs IC

The thangs

Four lunges & one bear crawl until arrival at the first trash can

Then mosey. Stop at each set of benches: 10 dips & 10 derkins until we reached the other end.

Then we ran down the stairs in Indiana (boo) and Al Gored at the bottom for about a minute.

Then some more fun was had. We ran up each set of steps. At the first flat area, we did one burpee. Second flat area: two burpees. All the way to the top. So by the time we got to the top, we did seven burpees. We did some stretching and plank work, then moseyed back to the COT. A few of us decided to a bear crawl/Indian run on the way back. It was basically a version of the Asian Run I led at the Posh some time ago. The PAX bear crawls and the HIM in the back Marios to the front. Rinse & repeat.

Intentions for Ice’s co-worker & Data’s neighbor. FNG Click Clack joined us via Gru’s HL. So grateful for this group of men to join us on this beautiful Oaks morning in our great city.

Hat out.

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