Backblast 8/4/18 The Posh

It was a fun VQ, thanks to the PAX who came out early. PAX: Jolly Rancher, Eleven (2.0), PorkChop, Airplane, Fergie, Methane and PK along with Grinder and his 2.0, sorry you two had to leave early. It was a hockey themed workout with my favorite player serving as inspiration.  We did 3 periods of 18 minutes, focusing on different areas in each period.

We did 9 sets of 1:30 activity with 30 seconds rest. The whistle blew to start each set and a buzzer sounded to end it. Each exercise was 11 reps (9×11 = 99, hence the Gretzky theme) I’m not sure on all the lexicons for the exercises but I’m learning.

1st Period – Arms

11 Merkins then using coupons 11 Curls, 11 overhead presses, 11 bent over rows on each arm. When finished you run around the rink (cones set up) until the buzzer goes off. We seemed to get about 20 seconds of running each set.

2nd Period – Legs

11 squats, 11 side jumps (total, not each leg) and 11 monkey humpers followed by running around the rink until the buzzer goes off. Legs are part of running so I did less exercises to get 45 seconds or so of running each set.

3rd Period – Abs

11 straight crunches, 11 left side, 11 right side, 11 with legs up followed by 11 side hammers then run till the buzzer sounds. This was the toughest, only averaged about 15 seconds of running after the exercises.

We had the Hard Rock strength training radio station from Pandora keeping us entertained for the 57 minute workout.

Thanks again for the motivation to get up early and get it going.



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