Back-blast Cowbell VQthe Blender @the Mutt

Weather: 72 degrees, scattered light showers around us, but somehow a dry Mutt….13 PAX in toe. Glen Ross, Backdraft, sump pump,digiorno, zartan, plumb bob,mouth, buschhhh, cpt insane-o, Miyagi,Grinder, and mace.

No Fng’s, moseyed to the parking lot for a warm up,

-side straddle hops- in cadence

-downward dog

-Right arm in air, left in air

-left foot over right, right over left

– arm stretch, left over right, right over left

-Abe vigodas- in cadence

-grass grabbers- in cadence

Headed to grab coupons, circle back up in parking lot.

Thang 1-

-AMRAPS 1 min-15 sec break-

-Music selection- “Bomb track” Rage against the machine, killing in the name of, Rage against the machine.

-coupon curls

-overhead press


-coupon bench

Thang 2

-Indian run down Leland around the block 5byos at every corner.

Thang 3- playground

-Music selection- Muse, “Uprising”

– count off by 2’s

-1’s 10 pull-ups, 2’s 20 merkins

-rinse and repeat

Thang 4

-back to coupons Amrap 1 min-15 sec break

-music selection, Metallica, “Eye of the beholder” System of a Down, “BYOB”

-coupon dips

-coupon rows

**mumble about sump pump needing a sump pump for his draws

-Freddie Mercury’s

-merkins, sump pump suggest plank merkins, I think?

Coupons back to the prayer garden

– 2 one minute versions of the 7 minute plank challenge, while listening to a soothing Mr. Brownstone (GNR)

Circle up, sorry forgot intentions…

Had a blast boys, was honored to lead a group of such great HIMs!

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