10.11.18 – T.O.G. back blast with Old Bay at the helm

C7C901C6-2993-44A9-9BCA-4CE058C8B341Well, it was hot Monday night in October, and I found myself without a Q for the Blender.  I (half) threatened a nasty WO if no one stepped up, and sure enough, Hot Wheels took the reigns.  He was the one to deliver the beat down instead of me – Woof.  Then OJ said he was in need of a Q for the Temple of Gloom this week, and I found myself missing those boys.  Missing the ankle-breaking roots.  Missing the urine-soaked coupons.  Missing the sketchy guy that hangs out in the bushes and creeps out the FIA gals.  I miss it because this is where it all began for me, and that’s the double truth, Ruth.  The boys arrived in style, and everyone is ready to bust it.  I’m humbled that everyone keeps coming out.

PAX (16): Tin Cup, Big Bird, Zartan, Fergie, Sweat Shop, Buschhh, Scuba Steve, Ball Boy, Abacus, Nature Boy (DRP), PED, Chicken Fried, Vincent (R), CI, Flo Jo, Old Bay QIC

0530:  Disclaimer, and follow me around the loop to the tennis courts.

COP:  SSH, grass grabbers, T-Merkins, V-Ups, repeat.

Thang 1:  Mosey over to Cogans (?) Hill in the neighborhood.  4 lines of 4 PAX, facing up the hill.  I can’t believe I had perfect numbers, and it wasn’t raining.  Probs never happen again.  Line 1 sprints up the hill, moseys back.  Line 2 on their 6, doing leg lifts while holding the meaty ankles of the PAX of line 3.  Line 3, now proud of their called-out meaty ankles, does leg throw downs of the PAX in line 2 who are doing leg lifts.  Follow?  Line 4 doing AMRAP Merkins.  When 1 returns, 1 goes to 4, 4 goes to 3, 3 goes to 2, 2 is now sprinter guy up the hill.  Observations: 1)Zartan is really fast.  2)Fergie indeed has meaty ankles.  3)This was the wrong day to stop wearing underwear.  Ahem.

Thang 2:  Mosey back to tennis courts for ring of fire.  PAX form a tight-ish circle, on your 6, legs facing in.  Everyone holds legs at 45, straight legs, point your toes.  PAX 1 pops up, gets in a squat, shuffles around interior of circle throwing everyone’s legs down, and returns to his spot.  Next PAX does the same until all have gone.  This sucks, and probably isn’t good for your back, so I may not do this anymore.

Thang 3:  Everyone on the end line.  Ascending burpee suicides.  Someone called out “C’mon man”, and it made me giggle.  Gotta get our money’s worth.  Begin with 1 burpee, run to end of court 1 for 2 burpees, return for 3 burpees, end of court 2 for 4 burpees, 5, 6, 7, 8, and return home for 9 burpees.  For some reason I didn’t like ending on 9, so we took a lap around the tennis courts, and completed 10 burpees.  I think I heard Buschh say “finishing on 9 is just fine Dummy”.

Thang 4:  Catch your breath and get ready for Mary.  Rosalita’s, box-cutters, pickle pounders, catalina wine makers, and LBCS……and that’s TIME.


I closed with words of gratitude, words asking for strength, and words asking for the courage to be the best version of ourselves.  I love leading this group.  As tired as I am all the time – this is always the best part of my morning.  I didn’t get to use the thang that I made up over a glass of whiskey Wednesday night – so look forward to that next time.

ps – my boobs really hurt after 4 consecutive days of Merkins and Burpees.

Have a great weekend boys – Old Bay outski

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