11.10.18 – Big 4 BlackOps

Having never been to the Big 4 Bridge or posted there I was a little unsure about taking the Q but glad I did. For those of you who have never posted there, I suggest you try it out. Cool spot. Lots of options. So thanks to Methane and Grinder for a little intel and a little pre workout tour with Kilo and Snowday we were all set. We kept it simple but effective.

10 Pax: April (R), Puddin (R), Mr. Whipple, Bottlerocket, Lego, Plumb Bob, OJ, Kilo, SnowDay, Hot Wheels (Q)

The disclaimer was given and we were off to warm up and get moving. We took a short mosey around the Park and circled up.

50 SSHs, Grass Grabbers, Hill billy Squats, Down Dog, and maybe some other stuff. I honestly don’t remember what we did.

We took a short mosey to the pavilion and everyone grabbed a spot at a picnic table. Facing out we did deep jump squats and dips in a Webb style count. 1 Squat : 4 Dips up to 10 : 40.

Then we took a longer mosey a street over there is a giant croquet set. Picking up those concrete balls looked like a bad idea so we bear crawled through the croquet set and back. Kinda random I know but hey it’s better than the bearpees we were gonna do and we came across this while we were touring the area pre workout trying to stay warm. Great spot. Could do some cool stuff over there. Just gotta watch out for the Dog Poop.

With a quick mosey back to the park we stopped in the Hoosier Posh Grass for some Captain America’s. Big boi sit ups and American Hammers with the same count as before 1:4 to 10:40.

Sone we were at the Bridge we had to at least get on the bridge for something so up we went and we stopped right T the beginning of the bridge for some traditional Jack Webb. Merkins and Air Presses 1:4 to 10:40.

At this point we figured out one thing I suck T taking selfies with a big group but thanks to the lady running by and saw and took our picture.

We headed back down and circled up at for some Lt. Dans. Squats and Lunges with the same count. 1:4 to 10:40.

Since we had a few minutes left to kill we hit the field in the back for some sprints and burpees. With a short mosey back to where we started and 8:00 hit it was time to call it.

COR / NOR / COT. Lots of intentions for the group and a reminder for how fragile life can be for both the young and the old and we closed with a few words of thanks.

I hope his site keeps growing. Great location.


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