Back-Blast – The Silo – North Posh- 11/12/18

The group was small but mighty. I’ve been hearing there has been a lot of chatter about North being very difficult and the hills being less than desirable. Glauc even encouraged people not to go due to the fact that the workout would be hard! Thanks Glauc :-)! I truly say that with no sarcasm. North Posh(Beastmode) IS hard. Nino set out to make a workout that would aim to be the most intense of the AO’s and that is what we are trying to accomplish. That said, it doesn’t mean you have to be the fittest PAX in our family to attend. You just have to want to push your own personal limits. Every exercise, no matter what, can be modified. So, if you have read this far and haven’t come to North recently or ever, then I challenge you to come out and see what you are capable of. I can promise you that you will be encouraged to push yourself and you will get better as a result. I hope you make it. Personally, I get energized by larger groups and seeing people push past their limits. We are there every Monday at 5:30a.m. You know where to find us.

Here is what transpired on Monday:


1 mile mosey

20 x Grass Grabbers

30 x Mountain Climbers

25 x SSH

15 Imperial Squat Walkers – Thank OJ!

1st Thang:

10 Minute 10 Manmaker/Burpee per minute EMOM – this could be modified to regular burpees/ 7or 8 MM Burpees per minute / Pushups – the goal of 100 MM Burpees was aggressive and was a stretch target. Failure was good and what we shot for. I repeat failure and needing to modify was good.

We finished that. It was hard but the group went after it and it was fun to work hard as a team and push each other.

We then transported the coupon down the front hill to Shelbyville Road and back-up to the parking lot. Again, you could modify by not taking the coupon, walking up the hill, etc.

Once we returned, we finished off with coupon strength work:

20 Step-ups each leg

100 calf raises

25 curls

We then AMRAP’d BB Sit-ups while we took turns doing 20yd squat jumps down and back.

We then circled up and made announcements(Ruck event Friday, Friendsgiving, Awards banquet.)


It’s been an honor to take on North and try to grow something slightly different. I hope you’ll come out and give it a shot. I look forward to getting out the with you.


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