11.17.18 BO at The County

What was I thinking?! Taking the Q after an Abacus Ruck? Well, truth be told, I wasn’t. And it’s my opinion that sometimes that can be a good way to approach life. In the moment, taking challenges as the come up and learning a bit about one’s self and what you are capable of.
Let me just say that as expected, Abacus gave all who participated something else to help us learn what we are capable of. His Ruck was truly a beatdown! After 3.5 hours, almost 10 miles and a crap ton of PT, I was ready to continue on with some more 2ndF at Molly’s and could all but taste the completion beer hitting my lips. I consider myself a good time guy and like to let the good times roll. A smarter dude would’ve had a beer and headed home for the smart sack to prepare for a Q. But I’m not that dude. I’m your Bird that tries to soak up every last ounce of fun before calling it a night. Plus when you hang with Mama’s Boy and Alexa who share in your affinity for the good times, making an early exit is no easy feat. However, since we all drove together, I was able to convince them that I needed to get home to try and catch some zzzz’s at about, oh, 0200.
Dang 0630 came up quick! Scraping myself out of the Fart Sack, I made some Jo, polished off my wienke, gathered my goodies and was out the door. As I pull in, a bit hot I might add, I see Abacus amongst 5 other PAX waiting on me to give them a great start to the day. Abacus is a true HIM for at least one of two reasons. Possibility 1: After his Ruck he came out support me. Or possibility 2: He wasn’t too confident that I would show up after my late night just hours earlier and would have to lead the workout. Whichever is the case, I appreciate him and his friendship.
0702: let’s get it on!
1/2 mile Mosey around the campus to get the coupons. Mosey with coupons back to the flag.
Grass Grabers 15 IC
Abe Vagodadas 15 IC
Stretch out Hip Flexors
Downward dog stretching out calves. Into Cobra looking up to the sky thanking the Sky Q for another day.

Tabata 1: pushpress
Tabata 2: square squats
Tabata 3: chest press

Thang 1:
11’s with Peter Parkers and Merkins
Bear crawl down and crabwalk back. After three rounds PAX and myself were getting smoked. Modified to jog down and back

Thang 2:
Four corners
All out to one cone, side step to the next, Bernie’s to the third and side step to the last. Drop down for 10 burpees, run it again with BigBrid lunges (hasn’t made it to the Exicon yet). One more round with 10 burpees.

Returned the coupons and moseyed back for Mary
Hold elbow plank while we went around to say what about our weekend we were excited for. Crock Pot won that challenge as he is preparing for their third child and first girl on December 11th!

3,6,9,12 each PAX took a turn calling out.
Lastly we were to do Gas Pumps. Abacus reminded us that was Double Down’s fave and gave his a status update of what he knew. In honor of DD (R) and his age, we did 54 SC Gas Pumps.

Abacus, Viking, Gilligan, Crock Pot, Jolly Rancher, Selfie, BigBird (Q)

Ended with a couple announcements and a prayer for Double Down. Thank you Lord for another day full of possibility!

Until next time:


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