#BackBlast for Diablo Heavy Black-Ops at The Vet 11/19/18

Q: Diablo

PAX: Worm, Backdraft, Kilo, Tony Malito, PK, Hot Wheels, Meatball, McAfee, Diablo

Man, how I enjoy the heavy workouts we have going at The Vet. For some of us, it’s our comfort zone; for others, it’s not. Regardless, the HIMs that have taken this on are pushing themselves in new ways, and learning more about what his body CAN do. I mean, look at the above picture of our very own Tony Malito — dude is getting swole.

Last week, Worm provided a beatdown that had me almost unable to do a push-up at the end. Completely taxed. It would have been easier for YHC to do something similar, for as most of you know, I like to push and press things. I went the other way and did not repeat any of his exercise on purpose, and showed the PAX new movements for a full body beatdown that — get this for a Diablo workout — did not include a single merkin.

Here’s what we did:

SSHs (20 IC)

Split Jacks (15 IC)

Copperhead Squats (20 IC)

KB Swings (3×10)

Goblet Squat 10

Step Back Lunges 20

Goblet Squat 10

Step Back Lunges 20

Goblet Squat 10

Farmer Carry with KB and Plate

LBCs (20)

Farmer Carry back to line with the weight

Halos 10

Curl to Press 10

Halos 10

Curl to Press 10

I was going to move on from here, but HIMs Kilo and McAfee wanted to push themselves with heavier plates. Loved this. So Worm and I traded our plates with them and did another set of Halos. (Whatever weight your using, Halos fall into the “get hard” category of exercises. Hits everything in a completely old school way.

PAX then lined up for an Overhead Carry, holding plates over the head to walk across the parking lot. At the end did 20 LBCs, pocked plates back up and carried them overhead back to starting spot. Then, back to circle of fire.

Bent over row with plate (2×20)

KB 1 Arm Row (2×10)

KB 1 Arm Row 12

Line up again for:

Farmer Carry

20 Big Boy Set Ups

Farmer Carry Back

Circled back up for:

Hammer Curls (2×12)

American Hammers with KB (15 IC)

Rosalitas (20 IC)

Flutter Kicks (20 IC w/ weight overhead)

PAX then circled up for COT and Name-O-Rama. Kilo announced exciting news for The Vet and the upgrades to the park. It looks great by the way! I gave thanks for our blessings and for the troops and their families who are sacrificing for all of us.

As always, I was humbled to have HIMs follow me in the Gloom, and thank you all for the opportunity to be a part of THIS.


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