BB 12/20/18: Glauc Q @ Bayside

Gpa Bear had quite the night Wednesday night that had him with his daughter til 1:30 am @ kosair children’s hospital.. Per him, she is doing much better, Thank goodness..  So, glauc took the q..

I’d been thinking about a few things for my next q, so I was able to drum a few things up pretty quick

Q: Glauc  PAX:  Gilly, Shuttlecock, Sadie, Fanny Pack, Birdie, Charlois


Mosey to front of school:

30 SSH (IC), 15 Hillbilly walkers, Plank Stretching into twerkins, 15 SSH (IC)

Thang 1:

This is a semi circuit in sorta the shape of a triangle (this is sorta hard to explain)  . think of it as a modified 11’s

1 corner – 10 merkins,  mosey to next corners 1 burpee,  mosey to middle and rocky balboa around the circle step up area… repeated this sequence going down in merkins by 1 and up in burpees by 1 … until 1 merkin and 10 burpees.

This  turned out to be a pretty good push..

Thang 2

20 Ace/ Gary’s (alternating partners repeat), 30 flutter kicks (IC), 30 (SC) dips, compass merkins (done on a small ledge, 5 merkins with right arm higher than left, 5 feet up (think derkins), 5 left arm higher than right, 5 incline merkins)

Repeat that same sequence above

Ab O Rama.. Smoke out abs, 2 rounds.

Announcements/ intentions

Glauc OUT!

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