BB 12/21/18 Cowboy Q – Wisteria @ Pleasantville – 12 Days of Christmas!

7 HIMs showed up this morning in Pleasantville for the Wisteria 12 Days of Christmas Cowboy beat down.  The rain stopped long enough for us to partake in the gloom and stay relatively dry.  We celebrated the 12 Days of Christmas all while blasting repeats of the song for the entire workout on a very large Bluetooth speaker (to include a Muppet AND chipmunk version).

QIC: Cowboy

PAX: Grinder, Snowman, Jolly Rancher, Viking, Meter Maid, and Blart

Disclaimer was given and we circled up for a quick warm up with 20 SSH, 15 Grass Grabbers, and Kendra Newmans OYO.  Then, we did a quick mosey around the amphitheater traffic circle.

We had 2 circuits for the 12 Days of Christmas.

1st Circuit utilizing each step up the Amphitheater and back around the sidewalk (12 Days of Christmas):

Day 1:  1 Box Jump Burpee
Day 2:  2 Decline Merkins
Day 3:  3 Plank Jacks (4-count)
Day 4:  4 Merkins
Day 5:  5 Copperhead Squats
Day 6:  6 Incline Merkins
Day 7:  7 Jump Lunges
Day 8:  8 Monkey Humpers (just for Viking)
Day 9:  9 Pickle Pounders
Day 10:  10 SSH
Day 11:  11 Big Boy Situps
Day 12:  12 Burpees

2nd Circuit on the Amphitheater stage:

Battle rope station
2 X 20 lb. hand bell station
35 lb. slam ball station
Jump rope station
8 lb. medicine ball for American Hammers
12 lb. kettle bell station

PAX partnered up.  Partner 1 did Day 1 while Partner 2 did AMRAP at a stage station then switch/repeat.  2nd round – Partner 1 did Day 2, then Day 1, then switch/repeat and so on until both partners got to Day 12 and worked all the way back down.  I think a couple teams made it to Day 10 and down.  No one finished.

Mary:  We finished with 12 Big Boys, 12 left leg up crunches, 12 right leg up crunches, 12 flutter kicks (4 count), and 12 V-ups.

Count O Rama, Name O Rama, Announcements and Intentions.  We talked about how a candle loses absolutely no light from lighting another candle and that we will deliberately spread light this season.  Gave thanks to the great Sky-Q and went about our day.

Thanks to all that attended this morning.



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