The Hurt Backblast 12/29/18 I was a Big Pussy

I want to start by saying that people have legitimate reasons for missing workouts. Injuries are real and life throws all kinds of curveballs. But if I’m honest with myself as of late my reasons for missing workouts boil down to one thing…. I was being a Big Pussy! I could always find an excuse like the puppy kept me up or my knee hurts, but really I was just lazy or a Big Pussy. At my Q today I took away my excuse of a sore knee and did a mainly upper body WO. The Pax may not have benefitted as much as they would’ve with a total body workout but I beat my excuse. Face and Wham! both offered to pick up the Q if I needed it and that means a lot to me to know that these guys that I consider friends are there to help me out when it’s needed. Thanks HIMs!

PAX: Cardinal Wham! Face Blueprint Wham-O Glenn Ross Mad Cow Puddin(R) Noxeema Jackson Snowman Duece Windshield

Thang: 12 exercises 1 minute AMRAP 30 seconds rest for 2 rounds and finished with close to 1/2 mile jog.



Hopefully I’m over being a Big Pussy!


Mad Cow

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