BackBlast #TheBridge 2/25/19

It was very good to be back in the gloom after a week away for travel. Here’s what went down.

PAX    Jitterbug (QIC), Ladybird (R), Mr. Kotter, Jolly Rancher, Bob Ross , Pew Pew

Short Mosey and Circle up for COP:   SSH (IC), Imperial Walkers (IC), Abe Vigodas (IC), Stretching

Thang 1-  Bear Crawl to the Pavillion and Grab a Bench.   10 Hops, 20 Dips and 10 Incline Merkins in succession; Rinse and Repeat substituting Decline Merkins for Incline. Mosey to Coupon Lot

Thang 2- Paired up and each partner alternated doing the following exercise.  Partner 1 Bernie Sanders to end of lot and Sprint Back while the Partner AMRAP’s BOYO’s then switch; repeated the pattern with Bonnie Blairs (Jump Squats), Copperhead Squats, and Flutter Kicks

Thang 3- Circled up and did some additional coupon work.  Manmakers,  Rows, Thrusters, Squats, (and Chest Press I think)  I don’t know because i waited till Thursday to  do this I needed Bob Ross to help me remember who all was there as I had forgotten someone. (Sorry Mr. Kotter 🙂 )

Thang 4-  Same Partners, start together and Bernie Sanders away from each other 40ish yards and Sprint back and do 5 Booyah  pushups, then repeat with 10 Booyahs and at Bob Ross suggestion, round 3 with 15 Booyahs

That left about 3-4 Minutes for Mary

Announcement regarding 3rd F opportunity at Wayside Christian Mission for March, check out 3rd F for details

Intentions were offered and once  again I thanked the group for the Strength they and this group gives me each day.

Jitterbug Out

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