B.B. 2/27 The Blender @ The Mutt

11 Pax:  Backdraft, Wham, Busch, Sump Pump, PED, Left Eye, Glen Ross, Blueprint, Messi, Larry, Flint:  Q – Fridge

Conditions:  39 degrees, no wind, quite pleasant

Gear:  Pants, sweatshirt, shoes

At 5:30 I gave the disclaimer we proceeded to the big parking lot.

Warm Up:  SSH’S, Grass grabbers, Kendrick Newmans, & 15 merkins

Thing 1:  Three w/o stations:

1.  Located  at the church entrance at Cherrywood & Leland.  25 Dips on the ledge of the concrete patio

2.  Located at the steps of the coupon garden:  25 Curls, or Bench Press, or Over head press with Coupons.  As a group we ran to station 1 and did 25 dips.  Next we ran to S2 and did 25 curls or 25 bench press or 25 overhead press.  Next we ran to S3 and did 25 LBC’S or 25 sit-ups or 25 v-ups.  We repeated this until we completed 100 dips each but as a group.

Thing 2:  Partner up.  Run to the big playground.  Everyone did 3 sets of 10 pull-ups and 3 sets of 10 squats.

Thing 3:  11’s (we did this in the small parking lot) – started by doing 10 Merkins then run 60ft and do 1 BB sit-up and run back.  9 merkins then run and do 2 BB sit-ups.  We completed this exercise.  The last lap was 1 merkin and 10 BB Sit-ups.

Thing 3:  Mary

We circled up and each pax picked an exercise and Bernie Sanders around the circle while everyone else did exercise.  Everyone got to pick an exercise.

(7) Catalina Wine Makers/mixers

15 – Flutter kicks; BB Sit-ups & Merkins

Put coupons back and circle up.

Counted Name O Rama, Announcements, Intentions

Closing I told a quick story about having diner at a work event in FL a couple weeks ago with this French cat.  He was cool as a breeze.  Anyway we talked about many things including working out and I told him about our group.  I also told him a little over a year ago my doctor got on me about my eating and drinking (mostly drinking) habits and told me you only live once so I needed to get my act together.  Right after I said this the French cat stopped me and said, “no Jason you only die once.  You live a different life everyday.  So make the most of these different lives.”  This hit me hard (in a good way) so I wanted to share with everyone.  Make the most of every day!!!

Peace out!

– Fridge

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