5.8.19 Blender BB: 21 orders of fries

PAX: Pope, Violet, CowBell, Fridge, GlenRoss, ReRe, PED, Pepperoni, MadCow, Tureen, Buschhhhh, PlumBob, Zartan

Conditions: Lil Muggy

Promptly started at 0530. Disclaimer given and we were off.

Lap around school with high knees and butt kicks got the morning started. Finished lap at large playground.

Broke up into 3 groups.

Group 1 did 5 pull ups or until fail.

Group 2 did 20 SSH IC

GRoup 3 did 15 burpees.

Stay with your group and rotate once finished. We did this for 10 minute AMRAP.

Moseyed to back parking lot where a suicide course had been later out. Did set followed by 30-45 sec plank before next set.

Round 1 Standard suicide.

Round 2 Bernie to last come, or flat ball, and run back

Round 3 karaoke up and back.

Round 4 Standard Suicide.

Grabbed coupons and back to starting line.

5 one minute Tabata sets with 7 seconds of rest between

R1- Bench Press, Row, Curls, Overhead & Thrusters. Arms were feeling it now.

AYG run to last cone and back.

R2- Big Boys, Coupon step ups, over head Coupon flutters and coupon jump overs

Casual run to far end of parking lot and back. Returned coupons and circled up.

Merlin Timebomb- went from 10-5 then took a break for…

20 Copperhead Squats, 10 Big Boys, 20 LBC IC, 10 American Hammers IC

Finished 5-1 of timebomb

With remaining time I believe we did phiffer kicks and something else. To be honest I can’t remember but I think everyone was tired. I called it and Pope said it was 0614:30.

Moseyed to flag for NOR, COR and COT. With my Uncle Joes passing this past week I spoke of Love. His love for his wife was the common theme of his life. It grounded him and gave him the strength to accomplish what can only be described as a wonderful life. Although far too short at 69 years. Encouraged everyone to love deeply and use that love to drive success in all areas of life.

Naked Mole Skin.

Today was my 18th post of 2019. I posted 17xs in December of ’17 alone.

It is a sad day when your bill at McDonalds is $160. What’s worse is when the one the next day is $40.

One extra order of fries is always and never needed.

Pop Workout mix sucks. Knew maybe 2 artists. Fair odds one had Lil in their name though.

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