BackBlast – The Chopper – 5/17/19 – SnowDay Q

PAX: Carlos’e, Crash, Drysdale, Flounder, Meatball, Meter Maid, PK, Storm Trooper, Thumbtack, Worm, and SnowDay (Q).

Gave the ole’ disclaimer and informed everyone that we are going to be doing a bit of running. Okay, so it was mostly going to be running, but up hills… wet, soggy hills.

We warmed up with an easy mosey around the circle followed up by some stretching. Hearing the noises from the PAX as the stretching was going on I knew this would be fun.

We then took off towards the chopper and down the hill to the base of what is the Everest of all hills at Veterans. There we partnered up for Thang 1.

Thang 1: Partner A will run up to the top of the hill two times while Partner B stays at the base and does what I call a Thumbs Up Merkin (at the top of the Merkin you give a thumbs up with one arm and lift the opposite leg at the same time) until Partner A returns. Rinse and repeat 3 times. I must add that Storm Trooper controlled his slip on the well like a pro by popping right back up with no loss of stride. We then gathered ourselves and moved on down the path towards the small baseball field, picking up the pace about halfway there.

Thang 2: We stopped at the smaller hill that sits between the large and small ball fields. As individuals we did 5 sprints up and back down the hill followed up by twenty Side Step Merkins (?) – moved hands side-to-side at the top of each Merkin. Rinse and repeat 3 times. Moving on around we made our way up to the big lot.

Thang 3: We then did sprints from one side of the parking lot to the other and back. In between sprints we did 20 reps of each of the following – Jump Squats, Lunge Jumps, and Sumo Squat Jumps. Once complete we moved on the the playground with the rubber floor for a little Mary.

Thang 4: Mary. We then did Roller Boats with a 2 second V Hold. Next were Scissor Twists followed up by Forearm Plank Holds. Time was winding down so we made it over to the seal. As I ran back to the truck for my phone, one of the PAX continued on with Mary. For the last 3 minutes we took Mary requests, managing to squeeze in 4 more sets.

COT: We then circled up for some announcements and a quick prayer.

It was a great group and a awesome start to a beautiful day.


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