#BlueOps POOL PARTY Backblast

It’s been 8 months since I posted at a normal F3 workout. Since then, I have been swimming indoors. Inside sucks. There’s no rain, no snow, no freezing temps, no lightening. Pathetic.

So when McAfee offered Glen Oaks pool once it was open, I was PUMPED! Last week we jumped in when it was 48 degrees… Very refreshing. But it still scared away Abacus and Glen Ross. So I KNEW we would see Glen Ross (Abacus is on vacay) this week since it’s warmer! Nope. Well, his loss.. Here is what he missed:

Note to those who had no clue what to expect. This WO was VERY similar to a normal WO, but think of replacing the running with swimming. That’s it! Well, except for Thang 3….

PAX: Star Child (Q), McAfee, Alexa, Wham!, Aerobie, and Kilo.

Warm up

– 100 Free

– 100 Finger Drag

– 100 Catch Up

Thang 1- 11s

– 10 Neptune Dips, swim to the other side, 1 Neptune Pull up

– Decrease one side while increasing the other

– In order to keep everyone nearly on the same pace, I made a special rule, whomever is in first on each 25… had to swim butterfly. That slowed down the leader!

Thang 2- DORA

– Partner up. One partner swims while they tackle the following

– 50 Neptune Squat Jumps

– 100 Merkins

– 150 LBCs

Thang 3- Lounges (Not lunges…)

– So I asked if everyone can tread water? YEP. Good, so I told everyone to partner up and grab a lounge chair, take it into the deep end, then tread water while holding it out of the water.

– McAfee was a bit scared since the lounge chairs were new, so we each grabbed a regular chair, which may have been worse

– Tread while holding the chair above your head for as long as you can. Three times.

– That sucked goodly.

COT- As I explained to the HIMs, F3 can certainly pull you out of a rut, but when you can’t post to F3, it’s very hard to stay as positive. Thankfully my F3 brothers have offered to swim with me weekly, which has been a blessing. Thanks to all for the support, and hopefully swimming is a great alternative to a regular post.

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