BB: 6/28/19 @ the Vet

Pax: Nice and Slow, Airball, Mama’s Boy, Worm, Airplane, Pork Chop, Vincent (R ), Snow Day, Meatball, Pitino, Carlose, Fergie (Q)

Weather: Sticky


While I have multiple posts at the Vet, this marked my first Q there. It’s been a while since I had been on a full tour of the grounds and what it has to offer, so I kept it simple.

Thang 1

We had a perfect number of 12, so we divided into 4 teams of 3 each. The first thang had 3 parts, all the same concept.

We did a relay of sorts. The teams of 3 were lined up on opposite ends of the parking lot. One member was always in the middling moving something, while the other 2 on opposite ends were AMRAPing. Each iteration went until everyone was back to their starting position. This meant everyone moved across the middle twice on each iteration.

The 3 iterations consisted of 1) pallet pushes, 2) farmer’s carry (2 coupons) and 3) sprints. The far side was AMRAPing burpees for all 3 iterations, while the near side (near the ball field) mixed AMRAPs of other exercises.

Thang 2

To close out, we finished with 11s around the monument. Starting at the back with 10 burpees, the Pax ran the 1/2 circle to the front for 1 merkin. 9/2, 8/3, so on and so forth until time was called.


Announcements and intentions were said, and we adjourned. One item that bears repeating (even for a late BB), is safety over this holiday weekend for the Pax, our families, friends and others. First, for those traveling over the holiday, safety on the roads/air/water/whatever. Second, safety while enjoying the holiday time with friends and families. Summer holidays which mix alcohol with boats/water, fireworks and everything else increase the risk to ourselves and others. Stay safe, stay vigilant and stay smart.



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