BB: Heatwave @ The Mutt 7-20

Pax:  Windshield, Big Papi, Face, Whamo, Softtop, Cornbread (Q)

Weather: hot n steamy and the sun wasn’t quite over the trees yet when we got started.

7:00 a.m.:  Welcome to all and disclaimer given.  Extra caution with the heat n humidity.  Reminder to modify when needed and to follow perfect form.  Announced a drink station set-up by the rectory for a mid-workout break.

7:05 Warm-up:  Mosey.  Michael Phelps. Side-straddle hops. Abe Vigodas. Grass Grabbers. Downward Dog / Cobra / Runners Stretch.  Deep squat to ham stretch.  Then on to the main event.  Mosey to the prayer garden to pick up coupons and then up to the shady side of the parking lot.

7:15 Workout:  We did 3 minute rounds for 6 stations assured to challenge everybody with something.  Objective is to keep cycling through the exercises in the allotted time.

Station #1: (cardio n legs) Sumo-squat sideways walk, One legged hop – L, Frog Jump, One legged hop – R.

Station #2:  (chest n tris) Archer merkin – L 10x, Dips w/ elevated L leg 10x, Archer merkin-R 10x, Dips w/ elevated R leg 10x

Station #3: (back n bis) Bent over row – L 10x, Upright Row 10x, Bent over row – R 10x, Curls 10x

Station #4: (hams n glutes) Deadlift 10x, Good mornings 10x, Coupon swings 10x

At around 7:35 a.m.  we were dripping sweat like crazy so we took a short water break then returned to finish the workout.

Station #5: (shoulders) Shoulder press 10x, Lateral raise L 5x, Plank Scapular merkin 10x, lateral raise R 5x

Station #6 (balance) Birddogs L-arm & R-leg 5x slow, Wounded Soldier R 5x, Birddogs R-arm & L-leg 5x slow, Wounded Soldier L 5x.

7:50 a.m. Coupons were returned and then back up to the parking lot for the closer.  An impromptu yoga flow for some mobility and a cool-down.

8:00 a.m.  Announcements, Name-o-Rama and prayer intentions concluded with the Our Father.  Ended the morning with some slices of watermelon in the rectory yard and some fellowship.  Thanks guys for always encouraging one another and helping one other to become better men.  I’m grateful.




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