7.28.19 Black Ops@ The County-Back Blast

On Saturday, 7.27, As I was on the long drive home from a vacation on Hilton Head island, I had a lot of time to think and reflect. I was the driver, my hard-of- hearing mother-in-law was the copilot, and everyone else in tow was engrossed in their devices. Suffice it to say, there was a lot of quiet time for the 12 hours that it would take for us to get home. I would ponder a couple of things: 1) I had a lot of JOMO this past week as I kept up with The County Boys (I am still eager to hear if Airplane left a workout because Nature came a calling or left because he didn’t have time to answer). 2) I would post twice at The Yacht Club and got to know them island boys for the week. However, due to over imbibing and eating whatever the hell I wanted to whilst on vaca time, I felt like a big turd. It was then that the wild hair sprouted. I needed a workout. I felt like I would get one in early Sunday even if it was by myself. At a rest stop with about 6 hours left, I sent a text out to my County thread. It read, ” I got a vaca hangover to which there is only one cure. I’ll be posting a BO @ The County tomorrow from 0815 to 9. If I get one other person, I’ll put a pre blast out there.” I kid you not, within two minutes, Mama’s Boy (HIM) gave a “HC.” Four minutes after that, Amelia (HIM) gave his HC. Not only did I not have to workout by myself but I also got to workout with my friends! I love me some County Boys! As Sunday morning at 0815 arrived, two other HIM would show giving us 5 in total.

PAX: Mama’s Boy, Amelia, Meter Maid, Digiorno, BigBird (Q)

After our surprise guest Digiorno found us, we circled up, said disclaimer and off for a Mosey around the campus. Great Mumble Chatter throughout.

We would stop near the playground where the remainder of the day’s beatdown would take place.

COP: SSH 15IC, 3 Count Merkins 10IC, Michael Phelps 10IC, Imperial Squat Waller’s 10IC, Quad Stretch…or whatever variation of leg stretch helped with the soreness from a Valdes face melter the day before. Rinse and Repeat-O

Thang 1: 10 minute EMOM (every minute on the minute) of 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins and 15 squats


Thang 2: 12 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) for our WOD (workout of the day) 10 box jumps or step ups, 10 burpees, 10 calf raises then off for a 100 yard Mosey down and back. We would do this as many times as possible in the 12 minutes.


The Fun: Wonky Donky-we would hold plank for the entirety of the song (if you haven’t heard it yet, you should check it out. It’s a gem!). Every time we heard “wonky donkey” we would do two donkey kicks.

Recover and mosey back to the flags.

Circled up for some announcements and intentions for Valdes’ brother Dave and Jolly Rancher’s family so that baby Joy can come home.

YHC was humbled to have 4 other HIM show up to work with me…on a Sunday no less. Thank you men for coming out and helping me to push myself. I’m a better man with guys like you in my life.

Until next time…


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