Long Run Park Black Ops 7.31 Backblast

It was a glorious morning and anyone who wasn’t a little Nino came out and ventured into the one-working-lamp-and-very-dark Long Run Park. It was a bit like being in the upside down, but thankfully there wasn’t a Skirmish. The air was moist and welcoming, but it’s still summer, so no one had any Frosted Tips.

What we did…

COP: 15 GGs, 15 AVs, 15 IWs, 50 SSHs.

Mosey down the park road and did a little something we did at N Posh Mon. Walking Marlins (4), duck walk to one side of the road and back for 4 min AMRAP. Then 3 min AMRAP walking merkins, bear crawl & crawl bear. 2 min AMRAP walking merkins with crab walk. Then 90 sec/60 sec/30 sec walk out burpee AMRAP. Mosey back to the bball court and did 2 rotation of 5 stations: Mario to one end of the court and back, burpees UR, Dwight Howards UR, LBCs UR, dips UR. Then finished up with my fave: some yoga.

At the end, we all gathered around for some cuddly Huggies in the COT. If you missed it today, SYITG Fri @ 0515.

Mr. Hat out.

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