1/31/18 #TheBridge Backblast: Travel To The Great Abyss


QIC:  Wham!

27 PAX: Glaucoma; Zoooooolander; Methane; Grave Digger; Peakaboo (FNG); Flamer (FNG); Uncle Rico; Sunshine (FNG); Iceman (respect); Moped; Bob Ross; Lil’ Smokey; Red Roof; Vincent (respect); PK; Bean Counter; Little Jerry (respect); Gypsy; Rhythm; Double Down (respect); Pew Pew (FNG); Starchild; Tool Time; Kilo; Mr. Hat; Boozer; Wham!

Time:  5:30 am
Weather: 28 Degrees; Dry; Partly Cloudy; Bigly Moon
Playing Surface: Poshy
QIC’s Attire (for Zoo, who was actually “there” instead of “feeling like he was there”): George Michael Circa 1984

Although I’ve posted at the Poshlands many times over the last several months, I have never Q’ed there and so a few weeks back, I decided to break out of my comfort zone and sign up for a Poshlands Q.  This past weekend, I was discussing my Posh VQ with Glen Ross while waiting in line for an adult beverage and he suggested that I bust out my Wham!/George Michael costume that I wore for one of my Qs at the O back in November.  I liked that idea and so it was.  Below is a frightening selfie I took pre-WO this morning of my getup.  If you look closely enough, you can see a small gold hoop earring in my left ear.  My original costume also included a diamond magnetic earring but my 4 year daughter has apparently commandeered that and my M would not grant me permission to go into my daughter’s room and rummage through her jewelry box as she slept last night.


Upon arriving at the Poshlands at 5:28 am, I was greeted with what appeared to be a huuuuge turnout, which greatly pleased me.  Even better was the fact that one of the first faces I saw was Zoolander, who is a Mutt regular and someone who many of the Posh pax had heard about, but never seen.  The bigfoot of Mutt pax, if you will.  I now knew this was going to be a special day and so off we went after a quick disclaimer.

Because it was a bit chilly and I like to run, we took a brisk jog to the fancy illuminated water fountain area (I think the Poshlanders call it the Northern Lights) for COP.  Here’s what we did:

1. 15 Cherry Pickers/Grass Grabbers (with clap in the back) IC
2.  20 Kendra Newmans (forward/backward/small circles/big circles) IC
3.  15 SSH IC
4.  10 Imperial Walkers IC
5.  15 Merkins IC
6.  Plank (normal, right arm up, left arm up, down on elbows)

Thang 1
About a quarter of a mile out from the Northern Lights are the Poshland soccer fields.  I don’t know how often the Posh pax visit this area, but I have only been to it once (during a Bob Ross Q, I believe).  I remembered the route to the soccer fields (which consists of a long narrow gravel path followed by an even narrower bridge over water) being dark and scary, kind of like you were entering into the great abyss or a black hole or something.  I loved it and wanted to go back today, so that is what we did.  Once we arrived at the soccer fields, we partnered up for the following sets:

P 1: Run to the soccer goal approximately 75 years out and then Mario back
P 2: BOYOs amrap until your partner returned
Rinse and repeat until each group reached 50 burpees combined.

P 1: Side shuffle to the soccer goal and then turn the other way and side shuffle back
P 2: Flutter kicks amrap until your partner returned
Rinse and repeat until each group reached 75 flutter kicks combined (many groups went well past 75)

P 1:  Run to the soccer goal and then All Ya Got on the way back
P 2:  Squats amrap until your partner returned
Rinse and repeat until each group reached 50 squats combined (many went well past 50)

During these sets, some of the manly men of the group (Kilo, Glauc, Iceman, others?) were taking the opportunity to race each other, while YHC maintained a medium pace (Adam Sandler reference) in order to keep his wig from falling off as it did during the initial run to the Northern Lights.

Thang 2:
After we finished Thang 1, Thang 3 was scheduled to begin in approximately 7 minutes back near the shovel flag (a long way away), and so the pax took off on a Native American run in two single file lines, which proved challenging due to the dark and narrow bridge/path, but the HIM of F3 Louisville ultimately prevailed and we all gathered at the parking lot near the shovel flag for Thang 3.  Shout out to Zoolander and anyone else who led additional exercises for the early arrivals while they waited for the Six.

Thang 3:
We had 10 minutes remaining and so we partnered up with our same partners for some parking lot action.

P1: Bear crawl from one parking block to the other parking block across the lot, 10 derkins on the parking block, and then bear crawl back to your partner
P2: Rosalitas amrap until your partner returned
Rinse and repeat

P1: Crab walk from one parking block to the other parking block across the lot, 10 incline merkins on the parking block, and then crab walk back to your partner
P2: American hammers amrap until your partner returned

P1: Broad jumps from one parking block to the other parking block across the lot, 3 burpees, and then broad jump back to your partner
P2: Gas Pumps/In and Outs amrap

It was now 6:14 am and some change and so we moseyed back to the shovel flag for COT.

Count-o-rama, name-o-rama (by video!), intentions, announcements, and then we met and named our 4 FNGs, each of whom put out a great effort this morning.  YHC talked about how I’m generally not someone who seeks out attention and so the fact that I was confident enough to dress up in costume and lead 26 other men through a 45 minute workout was a testament to what F3 means to me and that I hope it has had the same impact on everyone else.  Quick prayer of thanks and blessings to the Sky Q and we were out.

I was blown away by the turnout this morning, and while that may or may not have had anything to do with me, it was awesome to see regardless.  Thanks for letting me lead you today!


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