2/1 The O Back blast #TempleOfGloom

The OJ Redemption

Q – OJ

Attire (for Zoo) – It was me, I channeled my inner Pope this morning and went sleeveless.  It was 48 degrees!!! Shorts, New Balance trail shoes, and a Denver Broncos visor

PAX: Trump, Face, Mater, Abacus, Plethora, PK, Ant Man, Iceman (Respect), Gillespie, Star Child, Mittens, Captain Insaneo, Kilo, Digiorno, Methane, Butcher, Donger (FNG),  Loco, Mickey.

The start was a long mosey to the tennis courts


20 Hillbillies IC

20 Copperhead Squats IC

20 Mountain Climbers IC

* Instead of doing merkins IC, YHC decided that we’d share some info with each other.  While circled up, the group would do one merkin while each PAX would say his F3 name followed by where he went to school and his favorite movie.  Some of the things we learned were that many liked Star Wars, our FNG called out Pretty in Pink (MISTAKE), CI loves Indiana Jones and the Temple of Gloom (that’s a scary one), Star Child may or may not have thrown out a porn title, and of course my favorite movie of all time – The Shawshank Redemption.  I’ll stop and watch it just about every time it’s on…and it’s on all the time.  So 20 merkins total here.  Also wondering why it took so long.  A lot of indecisiveness, just pick one folks, can’t hold plank forever.

Thang 1 mosey to the cul de sac

Since we had visiting DR PAX, I was told to bring the heat.  Well, here’s where it got fun.  The game was 11’s, starting with 10 burpees at the top then run to the bottom for 1 merkin.  Then 9/2, 8/3, etc.  The group was very complimentary on this one as I got a lot of “thank you Q” chatter throughout the exercise.  After this was done, I looked at my watch and thought we wouldn’t be able to get all I had intended.  That took a while.  55 of each is the count.

Thang 2 partner up, get one coupon for each couple and head to Christian Academy parking lot

Arriving hours earlier prior to the ruck, I brought my 4 orange cones and placed them in the parking lot.  I’m not a good estimator of distance but they were maybe 15 yards or so apart.

P1: AMRAP curls

P2: bear crawl to the first cone, crab walk to the second cone, lunge walk to the third cone, and broad jump to the fourth cone, sprint back

P1: AMRAP overhead presses

P2: bear crawl to the first cone, sprint the rest of the way down and back

P1: AMRAP shrugs

P2: bear crawl to the first cone, Bernie Sanders to the fourth, sprint back

**I had two more exercises on this but we were running short on time so I called the PAX to move further into the parking lot and circle up for some mary

20 Box cutters IC

20 Flutter kicks IC

20 Gas Pumps IC

20 Dying Cockroaches (you knew we’d be doing these) I like them, and it’s hard to call them out in cadence while doing them so I think it’s an effective exercise.

The time was 6:13 so we called it there, returned the coupons and headed back to the flags


Intentions were given for PAX that have recently lost family members, Uncle Rico’s daughter, Old Bay’s wife’s good news.  Our Toledo brothers mentioned the Grow Ruck and Star Child mentioned the Ruck raffle. Congratulations Posh men, you have the Ghost Flag.

Was certainly happy to fill in and help a brother out that couldn’t Q.  Prayers with your family Diablo.  I’ve been battling some nagging injuries but I’m pushing through.  It’s so much fun to Q.  Blessed to be a part of this amazing group.  The accountability factor is awesome.  It was 48 degrees today and Kilo will be bringing the heat tomorrow when it will be 18 degrees at the ruck training (scary) and he asked if I’d be there and I said yep. Thank you Lord for this group of men.

“Get busy living, or get busy dying”

– Andy Dufresne

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