2/21/18 BackBlast for The Bridge @Poshlands

QIC: Bob Ross

PAX: 18 Strong – Tool Time, PK, Iceman, Star Child, Methane, Double Down, Little Jerry, Bob Ross, Slippers, Kilo, Gypse, Boozer, Mr. Hat, Nino, Grave Digger, Uncle Rico, Pew Pew,  Chappo,

Weather: 66 degrees

As me, Methane, and Star Child pull up in the pouring rain I think to myself… THIS IS GOING TO SUCK!! I hop out and we stake our flags in the soft ground. Seeking shelter we run to the Pavilion. As the PAX filter in someone shouts “I hope you have us covered for our work out today” and I think not really but lets mosey.  Thats when we notice no more than 30 sec into our mosey the rain stops!


20 Side stradle hop

20 Imperial Squats

20 grass grabbers

20 Mountain climbers in cadence

20 plank jacks

20 Abe Begoda

After COP we criss cross applesauce run (last HIM does 5 SSHs) to the base of the rock bridge for the REAL fun.

Thang 1:

We reach the bridge and partner up.

1 Him 150 Squats while the partner carries the rock over the bridge does 5 Bob Ross Rock Burpees and carries the stone back to the partner. We rotate the run and exercise until we reach the goal.

200 Lunges (between the 2 HIMS)

Rock Run over bridge5 Burpees

300 SSH (between the 2 HIMS)

Rock Run over bridge 5 Burpees

Thang 2:

For a little rest after the rock run we pound out

20 LBC’s

20 Mericans (incline)

We run criss cross applesauce (last HIM does 5 SSHs) back to the flag.

Thang 3

Once we have the PAX circled up we began with some planking.

20 J-Lows

20 Plank Jacks

20 Donkey Kicks

20 Mountain climbers


We circle up, counted off and said our intentions. I thanked everyone for motivating me to be better. After prayers we parted ways the rain started.


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