2-21 The Mutt Back Blast #theblender

Weather: 64 degrees with steady rain

Q – OJ

PAX: Vincent (respect), Captain Insaneo, Zartan, Wham!, Snowman, Mad Cow, Glen Ross, Old Bay, Grinder

I’ve always been one to monitor weather, but since joining F3, I’m like Jay Cardosi over here.  Needless to say, I knew this morning would be a wet one and turnout might be slim.  9 guys showed up.  HIM

Long before guest Q week was put out there I stamped my name on the Mutt for 2/21.  I like the variety it can bring.

The Start:

Short mosey to the portico

20 Grass Grabbers IC

20 SSHs IC

20 Imperial Walkers IC

20 Merkins IC 😊

20 Plank Jacks IC

Thang 1

Mosey to where Cherrywood ends going into Mary Hill and partner up

P1: Runs down the hill for 10 burpees and bear crawls back (a crowd pleaser)

P2: Holds Plank

P1: Runs down the hill for 10 burpees and lunge walks back

P2: Flutter Kicks AMRAP

P1: Runs down the hill and turns left on Ormond to find a nice little bridge over a creek for 20 dips and runs back (this is where I wanted PAX to bring headlamps, I didn’t want anyone to fall in the creek and die)

P2: Squats AMRAP

Thang 2 mosey to coupon alley

P1: 20 Alternating hand merkins

P2: Coupon Curls AMRAP

P1: 30 Coupon bench presses

P2: 20 Coupon kettle swings

P1: 20 Coupon overhead presses

P2: 30 Coupon Shrugs

P1: 20 Coupons squats

P2: Coupon step ups AMRAP

Mary – What would go down here would be something to remember. Due to the weather we were all wet, and every time we did an exercise on our six, it would create a nasty wet sounding back fart.  It was like the scene from Blazing Saddles around our circle.  #backfart

20 Boxcutters IC

20 Rosalitas IC

20 Davincis IC

20 Dying cockroaches IC (because of course)

Rocked boats hos/canoes for a bit, woooooof

Asked Glen Ross for an exercise to which he quickly called and led count 20 American Hammers IC

20 Up down elbow planks IC

With a couple of minutes to spare, we took the long way back to the flag


I’m thankful for the 9 that showed up in actual gloom to support me.  I love the accountability of the group.  Iron definitely sharpens Iron.  I lifted up a couple of prayer requests that we’ve seen over the last week or so up to the Sky Q.  Asked the Lord for guidance in all we do and thanked Him for grace.

Until next time


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