2/22 Backblast from #TheWall at North Posh #KiloQ


ISI certainly rang true this morning in the gloom.  Under no circumstances before F3 found its way into my life would I have;

1) Set my alarm for 4:45

2) Got up

3) left the house for a workout in a torrential downpour

4) pick up a friend on the way

5) Start the workout

6) Complete the workout

7) Prayed to start my day with my brothers


With out the Iron that is the F3Louisville PAX sharpening my mind, body, and spirit none of the list above is accomplished.  Before 6:15 AM.  I’m sure most if not all of you can say the same.   ISI!!!!!!!!!!!



Q; Kilo

Double Down (Respect) Little Jerry (Respect) Starchild, Storm Trooper, Abacus, Glauc, PK



Started off with a light mosey down hill to get some cover under a gazebo, it was a small gazebo so we huddled close for warmth and dry ground.  That didn’t exist.



All IC

15 Groiners

20 Imperial Chair

15 Spider Man Merkins

25 SSH

15 Cherry Pickers


The Love Band Thang

mosey between 2 ponds up some stairs and down a couple winding hills to some flat ground.

YHC handed PAX some green mini bands and instructed them to

place bands around both wrist.

Bear Crawl up the hill.   WOOF


mosey back up hill and across ponds to gazebo.

Instructed pax to place band around thigh just above the knee.

30 copper head squats IC.   WOOF


mosey back to bottom of hill where flat ground was welcome.

Pax now place band around ankle

monster walk up hill


Mosey back to gazebo

band around ankle

25 Plank Jacks IC.   WOOF

15 Freddy Mercury IC.  WOOF


mosey back to base of hill

band around ankles

side shuffle up hill and down and back up.  WOOF


mosey back to gazebo

band around ankle

15 Groiners IC

Band around wrist

20 SSH with arms held out infront of you keeping resistance on band WOOF WOOOF


Glauc burned us out with his famous and deadly AbOrama


Pax moseyed back up to the top of #TheWall for COT and name o rama


This WO was an absolute beast, not aided by the windy wet cold conditions.  I kept thinking that there is literally nothing i can throw at the PAX that is to difficult to complete.  F3Louisville is a very strong PAX because ISI.  Thanks for continuing to provide motivation, leadership and a purpose.


Iron Sharpens Iron, so one Man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17



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