3/17 Backblast Inaugural Passion Ruck #PopeLickPark


3/17/18 Inaugural Passion Ruck @ Pope Lick Park
6 PAX arrived at Pope Lick Park 0500 (Q-Skid; Kilo; PewPew; Wham!; PK; and FNG – Ja-Mall) for a “Good Friday” inspired Ruck. Along with the PAX, we gathered the required GEAR:
– Flag & Shovel
– Rucks (+20-30 lbs)
– 3, 5ft. long 4X4s (F3 logo to boot)
– 4 big ‘ol tires
– 2 sledgehammers
Skid opened his VQ with a quick message to the PAX about his inspiration for the morning Ruck. What better way to tangibly remember the story of Good Friday than to pick up a heavy beam yourself and carry it an unknown distance to endure some physically brutal exercises.

Thang 1

We split into pairs (Skid & Ja-Mall; Kilo & Wham!; PewPew & PK); picked up our 4X4s and moseyed ~.25M to the playground/field for the welcome party.
Skid introduced the PAX to a deck of cards and assigned a single work-out per suit. Reps correspond to the number on the card Jacks = 15, Queens = 20, Kings = 25:
– Hearts = Ruck Squats
– Spades = Ruck Swings
– Clubs = Ruck Thrusters
– Diamonds = 4-count flutter-kicks with Rucks overhead
– All diamonds = 300 yard dash
1/3 of the way through the deck, the PAX were going strong, but taking a breather Skid began to read from Luke 22: 39-53 where Jesus prays on the Mount of Olives and where Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested.

After reading we continued through the deck and close to 2/3 of the way through Skid allowed each of PewPew and Ja-Mall to substitute one work-out exercise with something new. Ja-Mall decided to substitute Ruck swings with Ruck curls (Kilo approved as he was nearing lower back failure)…… and PewPew substituted the 300 yard dashes with Imperial March ***in what was viewed as a bigger upset than a #16 seed defeated a #1 seed in the NCAA tournament***.
PAX made it through the deck. As we recovered Skid continued to read Luke 22:54 – 23:23 and Matthew 27:27-31: Peter denying Christ; Jesus suffering under heavy guard, Pontius Pilate and Herod.
With that we picked up our 4X4s and Skid challenged the PAX to carry the beams, solo, across the shoulders…… a concrete way to remember Jesus march to Golgotha.

Thang 2
Kilo led us on a 3 mile trek through the park. Excellent conversation amongst the PAX. A little creepy peering off into the distance and seeing the beady reflections off multiple deer….. at least I think they were deer.
We circled back to the field and Skid read Luke 23:26 where Simon is asked to carry the cross with Jesus. As a reminder of what F3 is all about and how we have to “pick each other up”….


Thang 3

Skid instructed a two man carry event.
Carry one: Each PAX would literally pick-up and carry their partner (Ruck and all) over their shoulders for a distance of 30-40 yards. Everyone managed to complete the task although at one point I caught Kilo screaming at Wham! to calm down as he was doing his best Michael Phelps impression on top of Kilo’s shoulders!
Carry two: One PAX lays on his back (Ruck and all) and his partner must bear crawl over top, dragging him the 30-40 yard distance. Everyone completed the task!
We picked up the 4X4s and moved back to the start point for our final event.
Skid read the crucifixion scene from Luke 23. The final event required each participant to swing a sledgehammer 10X onto an old tire (3 rounds each). With each swing of the hammer we reflected on every sin we had committed and how each sin was a nail being driven into Christ’s hands and feet…. He took that on for all of us. (***In demonstrating the exercise, Skid completely whiffs on the first swing, plugging the hammer 6 inches into the muddy ground***).
The final readings came from Luke 23:35-43; Matthew 27:45-46; John 19:28-35 and Mark 15:38-39 where Jesus takes his last breath. Skid wraps up the Ruck by distributing patches to everyone with the Greek inscription τετελεται, which reads “IT IS FINISHED”

If you weren’t able to make it and after reading this B.B. you think this is something you may want to participate in, you’re in luck!!!!

Skid has agreed to run this event again next week!!!


When?   Thursday 3/29 9:00 PM – midnight

Where?    North Posh (Shelbyville Rd. Parklands entrance)

Why?   Because of Good Friday we are saved.


Pre blast and more information to come.


hope to see you there!!!



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