4/6 South Posh Ruck BackBlast 8 PAX a blazin



Thats right, I know what you’re thinking.  The posh is SO posh right now.  Its so posh that there are 3 Posh.  North Posh at The wall, Posh posh at Gheens lodge, and now South Posh at Pope lick park.  You’ll notice the Louisville Loop heading right through the middle of the shot above (Paved sidewalk that runs through trees).  This morning at 05:15 8 PAX rucked 3 miles past this point, turned around and rucked the three miles back.  If youre a mathlete you know that equals 6 miles.  With triathletes leading the way (Abacus and StormTrooper) we blistered the pace at 14.42.  Woof!


Kilo, Storm Trooper, Abacus, Macafee, Newman, Nino, PK, Meatball


Come see the Posh, anyone of them.




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