F3lorabama Crew got better and says till next time #F3Counts

So glad YHC got to lead these fine HIM’s in the Gloom today.
Duece said it perfect:
The workouts made the vacation better, and I am sure some might think we’re crazy but I looked forward to each one.

Digiorno Q

PAX: Mayberry, Duece, Flounder, Wham!, Star Child, Digiorno

This is how we crushed the day…

Run to end of Pier for COP…
Downward Dog
Stretch calves
Runners Stretch, alt legs, right and left hand point to sky
Tricep Stretch
Digiorno Shoulder Stretch

5 BOYO’s

Thang #1:
Run to Pier entrance stopping at every bench alternating below exercises. All PAX stay together, IC, single count. YHQ did not know how many benches there were, it was alot.

– 10 Diamond Merkins
– 10 Sumo Squats
– 10 LBC’s

5 BOYO’s

Grab ruck plates and weights from the car and mosey’d to pedestrian walk above main road. This was a great place to start the next thang. The sun was rising, we were getting better, all 6 HIM’s were winning the day already.

Thang #2:
6 station Tabata (45 second work, 15 second rest, 2 cycles) YHC initially set the timer for 45 minutes of work…this was quickly fixed after ⭐👶 mentioned “arms getting weak…”

– Sumo Squats, w/20lb ruck plate, side to sides
– Freddy Mercury’s, w/band on feet
– Merkins, w/band on wrist
– Curls, w/30lb ruck plate
– V-ups, w/20lb weight
– Triple Crush, w/10lb ruck plate

Mosey to playground for Pull-ups and Squats. Until Q calls time. YHQ must have been hallucinating from the bathroom fumes at the last post…no playground in sight. Like all good Q’s we found the next best thing, a tree hanging at the perfect height. Pic below shows Wham! crushing pull-ups. We each did 3 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10-15 dips (added these in), 5-10 Squats.

The big finish…
Jack Webb:

I found this on someone else’s Twitter, great words:
Stepping into the gloom I surrender what false image I have created for myself and put my faith in the strength of the weak and vulnerable person inside.

I am not alone. Thank you to the Q’s who push and the PAX who post as we grind as brothers.

Iron Sharpens Iron


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