Backblast – 4/23/18 – Veterans Park – Coupons, raindrops, and introducing the Say Anything time bomb!

As I wrote my pre-blast yesterday I knew there was a chance of rain but I thought “It will probably miss us”. NOT A FREAKING CHANCE! It rained before, during, and after but 7 Pax made it out in the gloom at Veteran’s Park this morning! I wanted to try something a little different but still keep something familiar as well. Here’s how it went:

PAX: Gepetto, Kilo, Gillispie, Piggy, Cutlass, Snowman, Backdraft

Coupon Mosey: The Pax  grabbed coupons out of my car and moseyed a 1/4 of a mile up hill from the back parking lot to the main lot of the community center. Coupons were set down for the COP.

COP: SSH, Kendra Newmans, Downward dog leg/calf stretches into Cobra, Toy Soldiers, Arm/Shoulder stretches.

Thang 1: Partner Up – 100 Squats, 200 Curls, 300 Coupon Swings (Kettle Bell) – Partner 1 begins squats, Partner 2 runs the length of the parking lot and back. Partner 2 picks up the count where partner 1 finished. Rinso/Repeato until 100 squats completed. During the 200 curls the the partners continued to switch but the cardio was changed to carioca. Then onto 300 Coupon Swings with Bernie Sanders as the cardio. Our legs were nice and toasty at this point.

Thang 2: Coupon run to the bottom of the hill. Stayed together and completed 10 coupon merkins. Jumped up and continued coupon run until I had just enough time for a new addition.

Thang 3: The Say Anything Time Bomb. Some of you may be familiar with the merkin time bomb introduced to us by our friend Frosty from Charlotte.  I did so many merkins on Friday and Saturday I decided to try something different. Pax forms a circle. The first person starts with 10 overhead presses, after he completes the first three, the person standing next to him starts his 10 presses and on it goes around the circle until it gets back to the person who started. As each Pax completes their presses they hold the coupon over their head (Just like in the movie Say Anything with John Cusak) until its time to do the next set. The next round is 9 presses, then 8, then 7 hence the time bomb reference. Now I think I did a worst job explaining it in the rain so a majority of the Pax did 10 overhead presses each time. WOOF! What was supposed to be 50 presses ended up being 100. Sorry guys, a teacher I am not but you guys kicked its ass!

Coupon mosey back to the parking lot for COT


Piggy asked for prayers for his high school baseball coach, Billy Miller, who has been battling cancer and has taken a turn for the worst. We thanked god for letting us all be healthy enough to be running around in the rain getting better and prayed for those who are not. I am out.


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