4/28 The Hurt Backblast #Ruck #Workout #CrazyM



Thanks to Zoo I now feel like I have permission to procrastinate my BB, now this is not 3 weeks late but never the less.  Thanks Zoo for your leadership and for thought into giving my proscranation gene a go ahead.

YHC was had all the warm fuzzies inside about leading such a staple in the F3Louisville AO week “The Hurt” then on Wednesday he realized nearly half the regulars at the hurt would either be running in the mini marathon relay for Hope Scarves (chills thinking about what they accomplished). Or would be representing our entire region at GrowRuck in Toledo (FOMO for long time).  So now that no one was going to be at the Hurt on Saturday a little bit of wind came out of my sails or tires or whatever that saying is.

Fast forward to Friday night before the Hurt, YHC received commitment from a good HS friend FNG (SpaceJam) and commitment for a V Ruck from Piggy.  Wind Gust or air pump back in my sails and tires (my boat has both).  Weinke set, new 90s hip hop playlist is FIRE and I’m ready to roll.



Kilo, Geppetto, Piggy, OJ, PK, Snowman

Learned that Geppetto had HL his son to make his first post, immediately my thought went to my super fire hip hop playlist i would be seeking wind for my sails from for the Tabata session beatdown that would take place in less than an hour.  YHC thought Hmm, i dont think ODB and Warren G say the F word, that stuff started with those new rappers (WRONG).

Also learned that Zartan currently lives next to OJs old house, and that OJ is obsessed with the new Avengers movie.  Sounds cool if that’s your thing.

All in all the ruck is 2rdF at its finest, you’re able to listen, talk, listen, talk and then listen some more.  I noticed that often through out the ruck we would be lined up 2x2x2 with the 2somes switching the entire time.  I felt like I had a 1×1 convo with every person and we are all better for this fellowship.


The Hurt

PAX 20

Kilo, snowman, fridge, PK, Gamer, Lamb, curly, Digiorno, peekaboo, Taureen, grinder, Ryhthm, OJ, SpaceJam FNG, sumpump, tiger, Geppetto, wham-o, Elmer FNG, IUPUI FNG


I wanted it to HURT……I didn’t however want to HURT myself.  YHC is still sore this morning.  Before you start telling me the GrowRuck guys are hurting as well, i know I’m aware that they are probably feeling it a bit more.  That does not however mean that I can not complain about being sore.  I feel like i just had to justify that because that is often how conversations with the M go.  “You’re tired, how the hell do you think i feel?  I woke up with all 3 kids, worked 16 hours yesterday and washed your disgusting neon tights”  ok honey but we can both be tired right…..ok i digress.  Venting right.


25 SSH

15 Cherry Pickers

15 Chain Breakers

10 Spider man merkins


Mosey around the school, head over to coupon storage facility.


Tabata style 30 seconds on 10 second recover.

YHC choose to add super fire 90s hip hop mix to help get everyone through the hurt.  However YHC did not realize that Busta Liked to say F… every 5 seconds.  YHC also was not prepared for 2 2.0s to be present.  Thinking on my feet I promptly beep bopped switch to trolls sound track.



We did 3 rounds here.   Woof


mosey around the school


next up was a Kilo squat challenge


Lot of unhappy PAX with this one.  Remember how I said it hurt, pulse squats hurt…….


one round because well….it hurt


mosey around school


a little piece I stole from Newman.


7 burpees

6 mountain climbers

2 minute AMRAP




mary work

30 second on 15 off

hollow hold

hollow hold in and out

hollow hold rocker


next was good Glauc favorite Ab o Rama

about half way through the first set several cars began to pull into the lot Le Mutt.  Not thinking much of it or paying attention until all the sudden a white SUV begins to honk profusely.

All the sudden an obnoxious voice yells “HEY!!!! How many you gonna do???? 1,2,3,4…..HAHAHAHA”

YHC tried to keep composure and keep counting, not possible.  How does one let this go.  I stop and ask the PAX if anyone knows whose M this is.  Nope, literally no one knew her.  I completely took everyone off gaurd and effectively ruined the end of my workout.

YHC not happy for the rude interruption decided to take it upon myself to dish a little back.  As we finished and moseyed back to the flag i noticed that El Cray M was setting up for a flower sale.  I hollered to ask her “HEY!!!!! HOW MANY OF THOSE DO YOU PLAN TO SELL??? 1,2,3,4……”.  I know not very funny, but that’s all i had and it didn’t seem like El Cray M thought it was funny either.


We named a few FNGs and prayed for a lot of things.  This is now entirely to long so i want to end it immediately.


Kilo out


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