Backblast 4/28/18 Bayside

Sorry for the late/brief backblast.

Pax (4): Glauc, Grandpa Bear, Spokey doke (respect), Shuttlecock (Q) (respect)

This was my 2nd time to Q, so I was able to fine tune my workout.

Mosy to school courtyard for circle of pain

COP       25           Grass grabbers (IC)
30           Imperial walkers (IC)
51           Side Shuttle Hops (IC)
20           Merkins (IC)

After COP, mosy around from the back to the front of the school

Thang 1: 123 Dora (run 80 yards out, 80 yards back for a total of 160 while partner does exercise)

50           Burpees
100        Bobby Hurleys
150        LBCs

Thang 2: 123 Dora (run 50 yards out, 50 yards back for a total of 100 while partner does exercise)

50           Tri-cep presses with coupons
100        Military presses with coupons
150        Curls with coupons

Abs, all 25 reps, single count:

Gas pumps
Bicycles forward
Bicycles backward
Crunchy frog
Cross-Leg situps
Hip Rock and Raise
V-Up Roll-Ups

After that, it was time to head back to the flag in the front of the school

Closed with count-o-rama, name-o-rama, prayers and intentions.  Glauc is trying to work with Collins to allow us to continue working out there.  Gave thanks to God for his grace, lifting praise and prayer requests to him.

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