WB BB 5/5 Derby Day Beat down

My apologies to all of the HIM that went through it with me for my VQ at the Poshlands on Derby Day. I was having author issues and could not get a pre blast or back blast out. After I finally got it all figured out, it was mid week the next week and figured it to be too late to publish anything. I later learned of the importance of posting a BB even after the fact.

I won’t get into too great a detail but we did some loosening up, did a Tabata, moseyed, did some bear crawls, crab walks, merkins and worked our tri’s. We then moseyed back and did a benchmark Cindy for a 20 minute AMRAP.

PAX: Data, Gru, Abacus, Boozer, Wratchet, Hot Wheels, Gravedigger, P.K., Flounder, Amelia, Mr. Hat, Starchild, Little Jerry, A-Robie, Retainer, Bigbird-Q

Thanks to all who made it out, worked hard with me and made my VQ memorable one.


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