8.21.18 Back Blast Loco at the County

DBBD80A9-867A-445F-8A17-65B511FCAA6CMy Buddy, my Buddy! Where ever I go, you’re gonna go! My Buddy, My Buddy! My Buddy and me!

The night prior to our Tuesday morning beat down Mama’s Boy had read my PB and reached out to me certain that it was going to be a partner themed workout. He was kinda right although our partner for the day was not to be a live, animate PAX member (although I do love any partner workouts where I get to go through the trenches and get to know someone better)  but rather, an inanimate block of cement that we would be sure to feel just a bit closer to by 0615.

Here’s how it went down: 0450- Get to the AO-Post the flag. From there set up the station for Thang 3. 0500-meet up with Abacus, a true HIM who offered to join me to “pyramid up” the coupons. Preface: I reached out to him the night before and asked his opinion on setting up the coupons that night to have them ready and neat-like for all of my buddies so we could have more time to do important stuff. He said, “why don’t I meet you at 5 and we can do it together.” Nice!! 0520 wait for the PAX to show up. 0525 Airplane arrives out of the dark as he walks from his house and says, “Bird, should I be worried? I saw your pyramid of coupons.” …Yes, you should be worried!

0530-19 HIM in attendance. Let’s get it on! Start with a disclaimer. Recapped our Q school from over the weekend. Talked about core principle #1: It’s a workout that must be free. COP: SSH, Michael Phelps, use the parking lot for Super Mario Bros, high knees, butt kickers and karaoke.

Mosey to the back parking lot where the PAX would be introduced to and would choose their “buddy” for the morning…the coupon.

Covered core principle #2: Open to all men

Thang 1: two rounds of Tabata. 1st Tabata; burpee over coupon. Tabata #2nd: trunk twists hugging your buddy (coupon).

Thang 2: Mosey to the upper parking lot holding your coupon over head.

Core principle #3: workouts are held outdoors, rain or shine, hot or cold.

Derkins with coupons. Plank jacks with coupon. Mosey back to lower lot with coupons again over head.

Discussed core principle #4: LED by men who participate in rotating fashion.

Thang 3: Coupon Station: 7 different coupon workouts lined up over 14 parking spaces. PAX split up into seven groups. 10 reps at each station and PAX at station one does the count. After each station, side lunge with coupon to the next one. Stations were as follows: kettle bell swings, chest press, lunges, push press, curls, sumo squats and triceps press. After the last station run back to the beginning with coupon over head to rinse and repeat. 2 rounds

Homeage to our female buddy Mary: Big boy sit-ups and flutter kicks both with the coupon.

We returned the coupons and moseyed back to the flag where we covered core principle #5: all workouts end with a Circle of Trust. One of my favorite parts as it ties it all together. We made a couple of announcements, brought together our special intentions both spoken and unspoken and I asked the PAX to look for opportunities to be a friend to someone for the day. After all, couldn’t we all use another buddy?

PAX: PK, Sadie, MudBug, Ddddrumroll, Valdez, Boozer, Abacus, Gilligan, Barney Fife, Bean Counter, Meter Maid, Viking, Bulletin, Cochran, Mama’s Boy, Alexa, Jolly Rancher, Airplane, BigBird(Q).

Thanks to all of my buddies that made it out ITG and for allowing me to be your Q for the workout. Humble pie every time.

Until next time…


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